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Zena's POV 

I anxiously tapped my foot as Matt drove the Jeep. When we arrived in Mexico, by boat, we immediately flew to Australia. So now, Matt was driving us through the Outback. There was nothing but desert for miles and miles. Everything was barren and- I DON'T GIVE A FUCK! WHO THE HELL WAS THAT?!

Yeira couldn't stomach the silent treatment for any longer. She exploded with question after question. Matt swerved the jeep because of Yeira's outburst. Mum placed a hand over her heart because of the oncoming heart attack Yeira incited. Yeira then began shaking Matt's headrest because she wanted answers and wanted them NOW!

"Who was that?!" Yeira demanded. "Who?! Who?! Who?!"


"She had my face!" Yeira screamed at mum. "Tell me!"


"Just be honest!" She earnestly asked.

"Y-" Mum took a deep breath and womaned up. She turned in her seat to stare at us. "I wanted to wait until we got to the location." Mum looked up to stop the tears.

"Mum, what's wrong?" I gently touched her shoulder.

"It's..." Mum sniffled. "Do you know why you're being hunted by Supernatural Interpol?" She stared at Yeira.

"Uh... I killed someone?" Yeira looked at me like mum was crazy.

"They believe you freed Geneve and orchestrated a prison riot." Yeira went to speak, but mum held her hand up. "They believe it because they have video evidence to confirm their narrative." Yeira opened her mouth, but mum silenced her again. "And the woman in the video was the exact woman you saw on the cruise ship."

"So why didn't you take a video to show that we're two different people?" Yeira was mind boggled.

"Because we decided it's best for them to believe that you're the culprit." Matt commented.

"What? Why?!" I was upset for Yeira. "This is legit the one time she's innocent!"

"I know." Mum groaned. "Legit the one and only time and I'm lying that she's guilty."

"So what's the rationale?" Yeira wondered.

"The truth would be more jarring and messier than framing you." Matt stated.

"I think the question is who's the doppelgänger?" Mum averted her eyes at my question. "Is she a genetic experiment or clone?"

"No, she's not a clone." Mum breathed out.

"You knew about her for a while." Yeira slowly spoke.

"Sure." Mum awkwardly coughed. "We ran DNA tests to ensure she wasn't a clone and-"

"What'd the results say?" Yeira and I cut her off.

"Her DNA came back very similar to Yeira's."

"So a clone then." Yeira and I nodded at each other.

"Not exactly." Mum mumbled.

"But, she has my DNA and as far as I'm concerned... Zena is the only one that I closely share DNA with."

"Not necessarily." Mum mustered up all her courage to look at us. "Yei, who were you always compared to and it angered you?"

My breath hitched as I connected the dots. My breathing became shallow as I sunk in my seat. Mum became worried as I felt myself get paler and beads of sweat coat my forehead. I felt my throat closing up as the oncoming panic attack was barely being held back.

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