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^^Young Lara

Amelia's POV 

I was strapping a gun to my thigh when Hailey entered the room. She quickly closed the door and went to the window. Hailey released a breath at watching Yeira chase Zena around with a water gun.

"You're leaving?" Hailey asked.

"Ya, I'm rendezvousing with Carla in 10mins." I checked my guns.

"Mia, how do you plan to explain this to everyone?" Hailey hissed.

"Umm... haven't thought that far ahead. More of a live in the moment kinda girl."

"That I believe." Hailey groaned. "But, they're gonna notice you walk out the front door."

"You're not wrong." I paused. "I'll think of an excuse." I shrugged. "Not too hard."

"Sure." Hailey shook her head. "But, can you really trust Carla?" I stopped. "Like seriously? How do you know this isn't a trap? I can't- they'll kill me if something happens to you."

"Z and Yei?"

"And also Lara when her memories return." Hailey looked down.

"Hails." I placed the gun down. "I'll be fine. I promise. I'll come back and you have nothing to worry about."


"No, buts." I softly tapped her cheek. "Now, why don't you take the twins to get ice cream?"

"Thought we were supposed to be hiding them?" She crossed her arms.

"A little gas station in the middle of nowhere never hurt anybody." I winked.

"I hate you." She flung her head back.

"Love you too." I kissed her cheek and passed her.

Hailey flung her arms around and released a string of curse words. I went to the closet and grabbed different weapons. Hailey passed me and went downstairs. I then heard the door open and her address the girls. I smirked at hearing their excited cheers. I went to the window and saw Hailey give me the finger before Zena dragged her away. I chuckled and finished getting ready. I jogged downstairs to find Zayn snoring while a half eaten pizza was on his face. I paused the movie and playfully ruffled his hair. I listened for Matt, but heard him chopping wood in the front. Easy peasy.

I went out the back and climbed the hill. I hastily made my way through the forest. It didn't take long for me to see Carla at our meeting spot.

"Thought you'd were getting cold feet, bonita."

"Don't call me that." I walked past her. "Let's go."

"Still feisty." I could practically see the smirk on her face.

"Not feisty, dismissive of us having a semblance of familiarity. I don't like you."

"Hmm... and why is that?" I turned in anger at her question. "What? I'd love to know."

"You killed my wife." I harshly poked her chest.

"Technically, you did. You are the one who shot your daughters." She chuckled and patronizingly swapped my hand away.


"Mia." She smiled.

"Let's just focus on finding this cave system."

"But, what's the fun in walking in silence?" She matched my pace. "I rather us converse."

"No, you rather antagonize me."

"True." She shrugged. "But, I also like talking."

"That's a lie." I stepped over a branch.

"I like talking to you." She nudged my shoulder. "That's true and you know it."

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