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Zena's POV 

"So yah, just keep those two fingers like that. And rotate your hand- perfect!" Hailey clapped. "Just like that you'll have all holes covered."

"What?" I scrunched my brows.

"See! Two fingers in her pussy and then your thumb in her butt!"

"Omg! What the hell, Hailey?!" I shrieked and watched her laugh at me. "You were supposed to show me a cool trick!" I narrowed my eyes.

"That cool trick will make her cum-"

"La la la!" I covered my ears. "I can't hear you!"

Hailey pulled my hands away from my ears. She then began obnoxiously moaning. I squealed and tried wrestling myself free, but she ended up pinning me down. Hailey then climbed over my hips and playful humped me. I screamed, but she only laughed and pinched my cheeks.

"What would Acacia do if I gave you a hickey?"

"Chop you into mini Hailey sliders."

Hailey hysterically laughed at my description of Acacia finally slicing Hailey up. Hailey then suddenly stopped and looked out the window. I followed her gaze to find mum gesticulating wildly at Maman. Mum then strayed away while Maman appeared nonchalant. I looked at Hailey, but she merely sighed and shook her head. I guess that was a tense conversation.

Hailey tried distracting me, but my mind began circulating with unanswered questions. I then noticed Maman enter the forest with a sketchbook. I shoved Hailey off me and grabbed my sketchbook. Hailey grumbled from the ground as I jumped over her and raced down the stairs.

I ignored mum and Zayn while making my way into the forest. It wasn't hard to track her since she wasn't hiding her scent at all. I noticed Maman atop a boulder as she sketched the stream. She raised her eyes to stare at me.

"Sorry. I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"My concentration was broken." I gulped at her response.

"May- May I join you?" I mustered up all my courage.

"Didn't realize the forest was so small that there weren't other streams."

"Uh..." I didn't know how to respond to that. "I don't know many?"

"Is this location the best?"

"Yes." I rapidly nodded.

"Hmm... perhaps, my presence will disturb you. I'll find another spot." She stood up.

"No! No need to leave. I just wanted company?"

"Vampires don't require socializing like other lower species." She spat.

"Lower species?"

"Must I clarify my statement? I assumed the intellectual part of your species would make it easier for you to understand."

"What are you talking about?" I defensively crossed my arms.

"Please." Maman darkly chuckled and looked away.

"No, seriously." I pushed. "What are you talking about? Are you making jabs about me being part wolf?" She only smirked at my question. "Why are you- vampires aren't at the top. You shouldn't be looking down at others."

"It's obvious." Maman shook her head. "Why would I want to be an animal that loses control simply because a moon decides to be full? Or, can't control my emotions and get triggered over stubbing my toe? Or-"

"What about vampires having heightened emotions?" She narrowed her eyes at me. "Ya, wolves get angry, but at least they can process sadness. Vampires get so overwhelmed by emotions that they're afraid to feel. Take you for instance-"

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