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Third Person POV

Lara scoffed as she walked around in utter discomfort. Geneve slyly smiled at witnessing her granddaughter's disgust. Geneve placed a hand on Lara's back as she guided the younger vampire to a less populated part of the park.

"Comment pouvez-vous marcher librement parmi tout cela ?" (How can you freely walk amongst this?) Lara shivered. "Tant d'humains rient et profitent de la vie. Ils doivent être enchaînés et en cage." (So many humans are laughing and enjoying life. They should be chained and in cages.)

"Je sais." (I know.) Geneve faux sighed. "Cela m'énerve aussi, mais je n'ai pas beaucoup de contrôle." (It angers me as well, but I don't have much control.)

"Comment peux-tu ne pas avoir le contrôle ?" (How can you not have control?) Lara faced the older woman. "Père n'y croit pas." (Father doesn't believe in this.)

"Il ne l'a pas fait." (He didn't.) Geneve agreed.

"Je ne comprends rien à tout cela." (I don't understand any of this.) Lara shook her head. "Pour commencer, pourquoi sommes-nous dans ce domaine ? Nous devrions être dans le vampire-" (For starters, why are we in this realm? We should be in the vamp-" Lara lowly hissed since a kid accident kicked his soccer ball near her.)

"Sorry, miss." The young kid smiled up at her. Lara continued glaring, so the child got uncomfortable and swiftly ran away.

"Je souhaite le vider." (I wish to drain him.) Lara made a move, but Geneve held her back. "Pourquoi tu m'arrêtes ?" (Why do you stop me?)

"Il faut parler un peu plus.." (We need to speak a little more.) Geneve slowly spoke. "Je sais que vous avez beaucoup de questions." (I know you have a lot of questions.) Geneve paused. "C'est comme me demander pourquoi je suis dans ce royaume." (Like wondering why I'm in this realm.) Lara eyed her in interest since that question was plaguing her mind. "Et pourquoi je ne nous encourage pas à entrer dans le royaume des vampires pour le moment." (And why I'm not encouraging us to enter the vampire realm right now.)

"Quel est le problème?" (What's the issue?) Lara crossed her arms.

"Regarde autour de toi et dis-moi les choses que tu détestes ici." (Look around and tell me the things that you hate here.)

"Des humains libres, pas assez de vampires, trop ensoleillés, les humains n'ont pas peur mais sont heureux-" (Free humans, not enough vampires, too sunny, humans aren't afraid but happy-)

"Et est-ce que c'est quelque chose que ton père approuverait ?" (And is that something your father would approve of?)

"Absolument pas." (Absolutely, not.) Lara swiftly spoke.

"Cela devrait donc vous dire tout ce que vous souhaitez savoir." (So that should tell you everything you wish to know.) Geneve spoke, confusing Lara. "Ton père ne permettrait jamais ça." (Your father would never allow this.)

"Alors pourquoi..." (So then why...) Lara paused and took a big breath. "Il est mort?" (He's dead?) She croaked.

"Maintenant, nous pouvons parler." (Now, we can speak.) Geneve's gaze hardened.

"Comment?" (How?) Lara regulated her breathing. "Comment?" (How?) She asked in a firm voice.

"Ton père n'est plus aux commandes. Quelqu'un d'autre occupe le trône." (Your father is no longer in charge. Someone else occupies the throne.)

"Oui, moi puisque je suis héritier-" (Yes, me since I'm heir-) Lara furrowed her brows at Geneve hysterically laughing. "Quoi? Je suis l'héritier, alors-" (What? I'm heir, so-)

"Oh, Lara, le trône t'a été volé." (Oh, Lara the throne was stolen from you.) Geneve sadly laughed. "Your brother, your father's murderer, now sits on your rightful throne."

"Quoi?!" (What?!) Lara's eyes turned black.

"Il a trahi ton père et toi." (He betrayed your father and you.) Geneve nodded. "Mais il avait de l'aide-" (But, he had help-)

"Ma méchante salope de mère." (My wicked, bitch of a mother.) Lara growled as Geneve nodded. "Comment osent-ils?!" (How dare they?!)

"Ils ont conspiré contre vous deux. Mais ce n'est pas tout." (They conspired against the two of you. But, that's not all.) Geneve paused. "Ils enrôlèrent les voleurs et les loups-garous." (They enlisted the rogues and werewolves.) Lara skittered back at the news. "Ils travaillèrent aux côtés des chiens et libérèrent les esclaves-" (They worked alongside dogs and freed the slaves-)

"Tu mens!" (You lie!) Lara was enraged.

"J'aurais aimé que ce ne soit pas vrai." (I wish it wasn't true.) Geneve shook her head. "Vous ne vous souvenez pas des derniers instants de votre père ?" (Don't you remember your father's final moments?) Geneve placed a hand on Lara's cheek. "Pense. Je sais que les souvenirs sont peut-être flous, mais souviens-toi de la mort de ton père. Que vois-tu?" (Think. I know the memories may be hazy, but remember your father dying. What do you see?)

"Euh... les gardes qui se battent... mon frère est aussi là, mais en train d'être battu... un loup est aussi là-" (Uh... the guards fighting... my brother is also there, but getting beaten... a wolf is also in there-)

"Et toi ? Où es-tu ?" (What about you? Where are you?)

"Je..." Lara gripped her head. "Je ne peux pas le dire. Je vois du sang sur mes mains... mon père mourant et me regardant. Souriant et-" (I can't tell. I see blood on my hands... father dying and looking at me. Smiling and-)

"Tu étais son préféré." (You were his favorite.) Geneve stopped Lara from thinking more. "Sa plus grande création." (His greatest creation.)

"Que s'est-il passé ensuite ?" (What happened next?) Lara couldn't piece together her memories.

"Beaucoup, mais je ne veux pas te le dire pour l'instant." (A lot, but I don't wish to tell you yet.)

"Ils l'ont trahi." (They betrayed him.) Lara squeezed her fists.

"Ils ont également créé des clones de vous-même. Deux filles qui incarnent vos compétences." (They also made clones of yourself. Two girls that embody your skillset.) Geneve frowned. "Et l'un des clones montera sur le trône à votre place. Elle cherche à prendre ce qui vous appartient." (And one of the clones will ascend to the throne in your place. She seeks to take what is yours.)

"Ils paieront. Ils paieront tous." (They'll pay. They'll all pay.)

"L'ascension est prévue pour ce week-end, mais nous allons mettre un frein aux plans. Croyez-moi quand je dis que ces clones seront éliminés... vous les éliminerez." (The ascension is planned for this weekend, but we will put a wrench in the plans. Trust me when I say that those clones will be eliminated... you will eliminate them.)

"Oui, je vais leur faire payer !" (Yes, I'll make them pay!)

"Ils le feront. Ne t'inquiète pas, mon enfant. J'ai un plan. Mais nous devons retourner au château en France." (They will. Don't worry, child. I have a plan. But, we must go back to the castle in France.)

"Nous allons reprendre le trône." (We're going to take back the throne.) Lara firmly stated.

"Nous allons faire bien plus que cela. Nous allons reprendre le royaume et tuer le chef des loups... Amelia Ricci." (We're gonna do so much more than just that. We're going to take back the realm and going to kill the leader of the wolves... Amelia Ricci.) Geneve sinisterly smiled. "En fait, je vais vous accorder les honneurs." (Actually, I'll allow you the honors.)

"Avec plaisir." (With pleasure.) Lara smiled to reveal her fangs.

Please excuse all the terrible translation from Google translate. It took forever to translate all the French in this book 😮‍💨 

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