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Lara instructed Hailey to stay at a high vantage point and make certain she wasn't spotted. Hailey rolled her eyes, but Lara was serious. Hailey eventually nodded, making Lara feel slightly better. Lara then had Mila follow her down a different path. The couple stayed on the outskirts as they watched their friends fight. Obviously, their friends were at a disadvantage compared to the thousands of rejects that followed Geneve.

"Where's Geneve?" Mila questioned.

"Probably having her legs draped over the throne." Lara stepped out of the woods. "Are you ready?" Lara's vampire counterpart took over.

"More than ready." Mila winced as her bones broke and she transformed into a wolf.

"Let's go!" Lara screamed.

Lara sped until she jumped over Alec and Tobias. She slapped the ground and sent vibrations in all directions. Soon, bone chilling screeches were heard. Geneve's army was in shock at seeing ghouls and samcas speed towards them. Lara raced forward and found an unsuspecting opponent. She slapped his head off and continued ripping people apart.

Mila roared and tore vampires in half. Vampires would attack her, but she was quick. And if one were to get on her back, one of the vampires would tackle them off. In the most recent case, Lexi dragged one off Mila.

Lara aided the ghouls and attacked the top military generals. Just as she was about to fight one, a war cry was heard. She looked over her shoulder to see more allies. Lara smiled at seeing Pyotr lead Russian vampires, Florian with North American vampires, Bridgette, and what caused her to arch a brow were the Australian vampires. Michael and Delta stood at the front while their army backed them. All eyes were locked on Lara to give the signal.

Lara leaned her head back and gave a roar. They all shouted before rushing onto the battle scene. Lara then tapped into the mindlink to have Mila follow her. Lara tore down any vampire in her path till she made it inside the palace. Mila slammed into other vampires and barled her way down the hall. She shifted back and Lara took clothes from the dead bodies.


"Thanks." Mila quickly dressed herself and buckled the belt. "The throne room."

"This way." Lara placed a hand on Mila's back and guided her in the direction.

They ran up the stairs, but Lara suddenly enveloped Mila in her arms. A blast suddenly propelled them through a wall. Mila felt the air knocked out her lungs even though Lara took the brunt of the hit. Lara managed to stand and assist Mila up. They looked through the hole to see more vampires assembling the canon.



They quickly raced out the room as it was blown to smithereens. Lara then noted the throne room was just down the hall. They kicked down the doors to see a cocky Geneve. Geneve stood and sneered at them.

"Just so you know... I'm not leaving you alive this time." Lara promised.

"Try me, child." Geneve condescendingly spoke.

The couple stepped forward only for the ground to explode. They fell down as a monstrous being crawled out the floor. Geneve cackled while the couple stared in shock at the colossal being.

"That's a fucked up dragon!" Mila shouted.

"More like a gargoyle hybrid sort of thing." Lara remarked.

Their eyes widened and Mila shoved Lara behind a barrier when the dragon breathed fire. Lara took the brunt of the fall and held onto Mila's arms. They stared in shock at seeing the green flame over them. They crawled behind a column and peered behind it. They then snapped their heads back as the dragon blew fire at them.

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