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I aided Lara to the balcony. I then let her go and watched as she convincingly looked perfectly fine. Lara confidently jumped onto the bannister and released a low and guttural snarl. The fighting ceased and everyone faced her. It's like she had this compulsion over them.

"Geneve is dead. Now, bow before your queen." She demanded.

I watched in awe as no one disputed her claim and all fell to their knees. They all lowered their heads in respect. Lara jumped down from the banister and I knew she held in that wince. Lara then sauntered to an enemy and slashed his neck.

"I should murder all of you for treasonous actions, but I'll show mercy. You'll be imprisoned and released depending on the judge's opinion. Be grateful for this is the last time I show mercy."

Alec approached Lara. Lara locked eyes with him as he went down to one knee. He regally took her hand and applied the monarch ring to it. He then kissed the ring and declared her his Queen. Everyone watched the transient of power with bated breath.

"She's going to be the absolute ruler now?" Zena whispered.

"Ya." I whispered back. "She'll iron out the details later."

"How long are we supposed to pretend that our muscles aren't achy?" Acacia spoke through gritted teeth.

"Just a bit longer. We don't want them knowing how injured we got." I muttered.

Lara then demanded her brother oversee the cleanup. Alec immediately demanded people move and directed guards around. Lara regally strutted back to the palace. We quickly left the room to find her in the palace. Once inside and the doors closed, Lara collapsed in a chair. Zena raced to her, but she chuckled and assured Zena that she'd be fine.

"What's gonna happen now?" Hana asked. "Alec is no longer king?"

"No, not anymore. I'm now the acting overall monarch."

"What about your living situation? Mia can't live here?" Acacia shivered.

"I'll be overseeing things from the French residence. Alec will continue to reside here and inform me of the conditions."

"And me?" Zena asked. "I'm heir, so-"

"You'll be properly trained... by me this time." Lara winked. "I'll make sure you're well equipped."

"And what does that mean for me?!" Acacia demanded. "I need Zena!"

"She'll be in France. Jeez." Yeira rolled her eyes.

"What am I gonna do though? Is she gonna be training all day everyday?"

"I know how to create a balance." Lara smirked.

"I'll be bored then. What am I supposed to do?"

"I can figure something out."

"I highly doubt it." Acacia grumbled.

"I can organize a botanical garden for you to oversee or even a fashion boutique."

"Wait, seriously?!"

"You'd be surprised what money can buy." Lara confidently spoke.

"Okay, I'm sold!"

"That was embarrassingly easy." I snickered.

"Hey! Clothes and flowers! What more can I ask for?!"

"Hippy." Yeira made the peace sign.

"I'm not a hippy!"

"You swim naked and-"

"That's in my realm!" Acacia snapped. "Not here!"

"Nature girl." Yeira smirked at Acacia's enraged face.

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