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I'm hoping the point of view is correct since I kept going back and forth

Third Person POV 

Lara walked with purpose, her mind made up after her conversation with Vanya. The determination in her eyes was unwavering as she approached Hailey, who was suntanning by the edge of the forest. Hailey heard footsteps, so she lowered her glasses to find Lara approaching.

"Hailey, I'm leaving," Lara announced, her voice firm. "I'm going to battle Geneve alone."

Hailey's eyes widened with alarm. "What? No, Lara, you can't! It's too dangerous. You can't do this by yourself."

Lara shook her head, her resolve unshaken. "I have to, Hailey. I can't risk putting anyone else in danger. This is something I need to do alone."

"Woah!" Hailey quickly scrambled up. "Just wait a minute. Just hold on for a second. We just got you back... like really back. You're remembering stuff and to leave now? Stop."

"I'm sorry, Hailey."

Hailey reached out, grabbing Lara's arm. "Please, think about this. We can find another way. You don't have to face her alone."

Lara gently but firmly pulled away from Hailey's grasp. "I've already made up my mind. Take care of everyone while I'm gone. Especially Amelia." She whispered.


"I know Geneve and she has probably already sent scouts to find me." Hailey gulped since she knew it was true. "I noticed some on my way back, so I diverted to Sweden. I don't want to put my family at anymore risk."

"They're gonna be heartbroken."

"Better them hate me than be harmed."

"I'm gonna miss you." Hailey tightly embraced her. "Be careful."

"Have more faith in me." Lara chuckled.

"I know, but you're like my daughter." She squeezed Lara tighter.

"Love you, Hailey." Lara stepped back.

"I love you too." Hailey softly spoke.

With that, Lara turned and began to walk away, her figure gradually disappearing into the shadows of the forest. Hailey watched her go, panic and desperation swelling in her chest. She knew she couldn't let Lara do this, not without letting Amelia know.

Hailey sprinted back to the house, her heart pounding. She found Amelia in the living room, poring over a map with Matt and Dante, discussing their next move. Without a moment's hesitation, Hailey burst in, her voice urgent.

"Mia, Lara's gone! She's going after Geneve alone!"

Amelia's head snapped up, her eyes wide with shock. "What? Where did she go?"

Hailey quickly explained, her words tumbling out in a rush. "She said she didn't want to put anyone else in danger. She thinks she has to do this alone."

Amelia didn't waste a second. She grabbed her gear, her face set with determination. "I'm going after her. Matt, keep an eye on everything here."

Matt nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Be careful, Amelia."

Without another word, Amelia dashed out of the house, her mind racing. She knew Lara was stubborn, but this was reckless. She couldn't let her wife face Geneve alone, not when there was so much at stake.

The forest was dense and dark, but Amelia moved with the swiftness of someone driven by love and fear. She pushed through the underbrush, her heart pounding in her chest. She had to find Lara before it was too late.

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