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Amelia's POV 

It's been a few days since we've gotten Lara back. She'd wander off to read a specific book, but wouldn't allow others to see it. Actually, I think Hailey may have seen the novel since-

"Can you believe he cheated on her?!" Zayn's comment snapped me out my daydream.

Zayn was talking to me about Love Island. He was going on about which couples he and his girlfriend shipped and which ones they hated. I wasn't paying any attention to him since my mind was preoccupied with Lara. I noticed her struggling to operate a computer.

After a while, I couldn't take it anymore and abandoned Zayn. Zayn pouted since he was about to discuss the finale. Lara's brows were creased since she couldn't get the software to stop updating.

"Hey, do you need some help?" I offered, but she narrowed her eyes at me. "I see you struggling, so I wanted to-"

"Non." She stood up.

"It's quite alright. Computers can be tricky at times-"

"Non." She reiterated.

"It's really not a big deal because-"

I touched the computer, but her hand was still there. Our hands brushed which caused her to snatch her hand away like she touched acid. I felt a pang in my heart over the disgust that filled her face. Lara shook her hand for a moment before leaving me along. I knew I was on the verge of tears and didn't want the girls to see me cry.

I quickly went upstairs and closed the door. I placed my hands on my head as I felt the stress from everything. I even thought of my mother dying from cancer. The tears stung my eyes, but I couldn't let them fall. How was I supposed to spend time with my mom when I'm on the run? How much longer does she have left?

I rested against the dresser to compose myself. The door slowly opened to allow Carla inside. She closed the door and gave me a sympathetic look.

"What's bothering you?"

"Everything." I humorlessly laughed. "Lara is- this wasn't how I imagined our reunion to be. I expected it to be filled with tears and kisses and hugs and sweet words. Not a dismissive attitude and like her skin crawls everytime she locks eyes with me. The hatred radiating off her is nauseating."

"She's different-"

"And then my kids are going through it. It kills them not to have her back. They have a shell of a mother that thinks their very existence is a curse and a disgrace to vampires. They can't even tell her their real identity!"

"Vampires like to keep their race pure-"

"And my mom." I broke down.

"What about her?"

"She's dying of cancer." I pathetically cried. "And I'm here and not spending her finals moments with her. She's in hospice and... how long can she hold on? All this stress will kill her and I'm struggling to keep it all together. It's too much."

"This must be so hard for you. You're going through a lot and Lara's not here for you."

"It is. Normally, she'd be a shoulder for me to cry on. She'd offer solutions and be calm while I'm the emotional wreck!"

"You don't deserve this." She sweetly spoke. "Allow me to fill the void."

"There's so much pain. I don't know how I'm able to keep it all inside. I don't want to break. I don't want my kids to see me weak. I don't want Matt questioning my state to remain calm and emotionally detached for the mission. I don't want Lena to hate me even more."

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