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Amelia's POV 

You could cut the tension in the air with a knife. Everyone crossed their arms and barked at Carla. Carla beamed in this environment and made a show of nursing me back to health. I rolled my eyes as she fluffed my pillows while sending a wink Matt's way.

"Why is she still here?" Yeira struggled to hold it together.

"Gotta make mummy happy." Carla sultrily spoke.

"Don't you dare refer to my mum that way!" Zena snapped.

"Huh?" Carla was confused. "What are you talking about?" Carla titled her head. "She refers to me as mummy." She smirked while Zena was tongue tied.

"Eww!" Yeira gagged.


"This is so nasty." Zena complained.

"Tell me about it." Zayn made a weird face.

"Mia, please explain." Matt spoke.

"Carla is here to assist us in taking down Geneve."

"You're welcome." Carla flashed them a smile.

"And you trust her?" Zayn asked. "Didn't she like kill Lara and-" He stopped when we all shot him a glare. "What?"

"Still sensitive about that?" Carla teased.

"Can I please kill her?" Yeira begged.

"Unfortunately, no. She's our best chance at getting close to Geneve and finding Lara."


"No buts." I gave Yeira a pitiful smile. "Sorry." I whispered.

"Only because it's you." Yeira grumbled, so Zena pat her back. "Still hate her."

"Don't we all." Zena muttered.

"Homewrecker." Yeira grumbled under her breath.

Yeira coudont stand being in Carla's presence any longer and zipped away. Hailey had a conflicted look on her face. Zena rubbed Hailey's arm and whispered for her to go after Yeira. Hailey promised to be back soon, so Zena nodded. Zena then whispered that she'd be upstairs.

Matt led Zayn out the room for them to strategize about something. I took a deep breath and focused on the mischievously glint in Carla's eyes.

"What?" I snapped.

"Nothing. Just wanna be a good nurse for my patient." She winked.

"I'm healing perfectly fine." I lifted my arm to show my wounds rapidly healing. "Don't need you at all." I snapped.

"Ooooh, you know I love hard to get women." She flirted.

I shook my head and forced myself off the couch. I held in my wince and forced myself out the house. I wouldn't be giving her the satisfaction of nursing me back to health.


Zena's POV

"Hello." Carla leaned against the doorframe.

My breath hitched at seeing her. I quickly looked around, but noticed we were alone. My skin began to crawl and I felt uneasy in her presence. I'm sure she picked up on my nerves since her smirk deepened. Carla smiled and pushed herself off the wall to come deeper into the room.

"Huh, seems someone's nervous in my presence."

"What do you want?" I quickly stood and backed away from her.

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