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Third Person POV 

"Vegas!" Nat cheered from the back.

"We're not going for fun." Ulyana stated.

"Look at the sign, Cia!" Nat excitedly shook me.

"Ha, it's night so we can see it lit up." She grinned.

"Has everyone forgotten the reason we're here?" Ulyana questioned. "We're trying to kill someone."

"Kill someone shpill someone. Chillax." Pyotr closed his eyes. "Have some fun and let loose."

"Maybe I'd have your relaxed state if this didn't involve avoiding the death of someone in the car." Acacia turned to Ulyana. "So, maybe I'm a little on edge."

"Or we could adopt Pyotr's chill state and hand Acacia over. No one would even pull a muscle."

Acacia glared at Naomi. "I vote we put a bow on her head and gift her to Delta."

"And I vote no." Acacia threw a brick at Naomi's head.

"Did you just throw a brick at me?!"

"Where'd you even get a brick?" Timo glanced in the rearview mirror.

Naomi and Acacia continued to bicker as Timo drove them towards the Las Vegas Strip. Pyotr laughed and would occasionally add fuel to the fire. Nat was signing along to Vegas by Doja Cat. Ulyana muttered about ending this headache of a road trip.

"Are we going to Kiki's hotel?!" Nat shook in excitement.

"No because there'd be demons there." Timo turned down a street.

"Wanna go someplace that's not overrun by demons." Ulyana added.

"Hard to find that in a place like here." Acacia commented.

"Should we be going to a hotel since that puts the occupants at risk?" Nat asked.

"Ya because vampires aren't allowed to reveal themselves to humans." Naomi unbuckled herself.

Timo handed his keys to the valet. The group then went inside, so Timo and Ulyana could get a room. Pyotr and Nat exchanged impish looks. They pointed for Naomi and Acacia to turn around before booking it to the casino. Naomi and Acacia rolled their eyes as the two immature individuals began playing with the slot machines.

"How are you feeling about all of this?" Naomi asked.

"Surprisingly, not that bad." Acacia shrugged and began walking. "Like we've been in worse situations. I was legit dragged down to Hell and dealt with a sadistic and psychotic Blake. Being chased by a hellbent vampire is the least of my concerns."

"You're not wrong. I'm numb to any form of danger surrounding my life. It's just like another day in the office."

"Ya and it maybe stupid, but I'm not as concerned since she's not trying to kill me. Ya, she'll torture me, but..."

"Anyone working with Geneve should make you uneasy. Geneve has an ulterior motive for everything." Naomi grabbed a drink off a waiter's tray. "What's it been like to have Zena away for so long?"

"Very hard." Acacia breathed out. "I miss her and had limited interaction with her."

"I'm assuming Zena has no clue that you're being hunted."

" nah, no need to worry her with everything going on." Acacia fanned Naomi away. "Ever heard of Delta before?"

"No, never went to Australia with Lara." Naomi thought for a moment. "She never really talked about other vampire leaders. The only ones I met were the Romanovs because of Lara's situationship with Ventseslava."

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