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Amelia's POV 

The next day, I made it my mission to find Lara. I smiled at seeing her in the living room. She was sketching, so I decided to sit next to her. Lara's movements immediately halted and she whipped her head towards me. I gave her a big smile, but she remained stoic.

"You're sitting next to me... when there are other seats available."

"Ya." I nodded and rubbed my hands out of nerves. "Just wanted to ask how your day is going?"

"The new day started 7 hours ago. It's fine."

"Cool." I nodded.

"Ya." She went back to sketching.

"What do you want to do today?"

"Draw." She continued drawing.

"That sounds like fun!" She arched a brow in my direction. "W-What are you drawing?"

"Buildings." She responded.

"Uh..." This is the driest and most boring conversation ever! "What kind of buildings?"

"What?" She furrowed her brows in confusion.

"Like churches, houses, castles?"

"Just buildings." She went back to drawing.

"Right." I nodded and awkwardly sat there for a bit. "Well, I'm gonna go eat."

"Okay." She didn't take her eyes off the canvas.

I went to the kitchen and gave Zayn a dirty look since he awkwardly smiled. No doubt he heard that terrible conversation. I snatched the plate from his hands and ate the toast. He peeked at Lara before lowering his voice to me.

"Tough crowd?"

"Tell me about it." I rolled my eyes. "I was willing for that conversation to be over."

"Hmm... why don't you ask her to do something with you?"

"Like what?" I hissed.

"She wants to draw all day. Take her outside. Aren't artists supposed to love nature or something? Something about solitude? I don't really know. I just overheard Zena speak to Hailey all the time about it."

"Great idea." I ruffled his hair. "You're the best."

"I know!" He cockily smirked.

I rolled my eyes and stood before Lara. Lara took a deep breath before annoyingly looking upwards. I clasped my hands behind my back while rocking on my heels. She motioned for me to speak, so I did.

"I know a great spot in the mountains for you to sketch."


"Would you like to go?"

"Yes." She stood up. "Where is it?"

"Oh, I'm not exactly sure the directions. I just have an idea when I walk there." I chuckled. "Let's go-"

"I would like to go." Lara cut me off. "Just not with you."



"It's... uh... just..." My mind froze up over her response. "I'm sorry." I walked outside.

I didn't make it far since Zayn ran to me. He pulled my arm back, so I could look at him. He gave me a hug and apologized.

"It's not you fault." I bitterly chuckled.

"I shouldn't have suggested it." He looked down.

"Hey, it's cool." I gave him a fake smile. "She doesn't want to spend time with me."

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