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Amelia's POV 

I glanced at Carla, my current partner in crime... for like this mission and this mission only. We were huddled in the corner of a dimly lit room, the air thick with anticipation and the faint smell of smoke. Maps and scribbled notes lay scattered across the table between us.

"Are you sure about this?" Carla whispered, her eyes flicking to the door as if expecting someone to burst in at any moment.

I nodded, my jaw set with determination. "We don't have a choice. Lara's too powerful, and if she stays with Geneve, she'll tip the balance. We need her on our side, or at least out of theirs."

Carla leaned in, her shoulder brushing against mine. "You always did know how to come up with a plan, Mia," she murmured, a hint of flirtation in her voice.

I stiffened, keeping my focus on the map. "This isn't the time, Carla."

Carla chuckled softly, her breath warm against my ear. "Come on, we used to make a great team. Remember the old days?"

I clenched my jaw, refusing to look at Carla. "That was a long time ago. We're here for Lara. Focus."

Carla sighed, leaning back slightly. "Alright, alright. Just thought a little reminiscing might lighten the mood."

I finally turned to face her, my eyes hard. "Lara is my wife. She's lost her memories and doesn't remember me, but she's still my wife. This mission is about getting her back, not about us."

Carla's expression sobered, a flicker of regret passing through her eyes. "I get it. I just...missed you, that's all."

I softened, but only slightly. "I know. But right now, we need to focus on the plan."

Carla nodded, her demeanor more serious now. "Alright, so during the council meeting, we create a diversion at the main gate to draw the guards away."

I leaned in closer, pointing to a secluded spot on the map. "Exactly. The fire will cause enough chaos for us to slip in through the side entrance."

"I've bribed one of the servants to leave it unlocked." Carla tapped her finger on the map thoughtfully. "And then?"

"Then we find Lara and take her by surprise. I have a sedative strong enough to knock her out for hours. We get her out of there and bring her to our safehouse."

Carla's expression grew serious. "You know she's not going to come quietly, right? She's a fighter."

My eyes hardened. "I know. But we have the element of surprise, and we have each other. We've planned for every contingency. We can do this."

Carla nodded slowly, her resolve matching mine. "Alright. Let's go over the plan one more time."

As we meticulously reviewed their strategy, I felt a flicker of hope. This was our chance to change everything. Failure wasn't an option. We would succeed, no matter the cost.

Unbeknownst to us, Matt stood just outside the door, having overheard our conversation. He soon stepped into the room, his presence immediately noticed by us.

"What are you doing here, Matt?" I asked, my eyes narrowing.

"I overheard your plan," Matt said, his tone calm but firm. "And I'm not letting you go through with it without me."

I crossed my arms, a skeptical look on my face. "You don't have a stake in this. Why would you want to help?"

His gaze softened slightly as he looked at me. "I can't let you risk your life alone, Amelia. You might not want my help, but you're getting it."

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