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Third Person POV 

Delta guided them towards the entrance of the compound. She took them inside and to the receptionist. Delta muttered that the person was new, indicating Geneve had the previous individual killed. Pyotr had a field day with that. He placed an unwelcoming hand on Delta's shoulder and roughly moved her forward.

"Hello, we wish to see the Mother Superior." Pyotr grinned.

"Accessed denied." The receptionist answered.

"Let's us through. We have authorization." Delta spoke.

"On whose authority?"

"My daughter and husband." Pyotr placed a big, wet kiss to Timo's cheek.

Timo stiffened and looked disgusted over Pyotr kissing his cheek. Delta gave Pyotr an irritated look.

"You're not gay?" The man scoffed. "That was the most awkward and unnatural physical affection ever."

The receptionist moved to press a button, but Pyotr sped to the man and grabbed his wrist. He then subdued the receptionist and placed the man in a hold. Timo marched forward and knocked the man out. Delta and Pyotr stared at him in shock. Timo straightened his outfit before walking ahead.

"I am gay and there's nothing wrong with it." Timo muttered and approached the double doors. "Shall we?" He pushed it open.

Delta gave him an impressed smile as she waltzed past him. Delta led them down spiral staircases until they accessed the tunnels. Delta instructed them to act like they belonged and not to draw attention to themselves. The boys nodded and followed her lead when passing other occupants. The occupants would greet Delta and pass fleeting glances at the boys.

"They recognize us, yet don't address." Timo observed.

"You recognize them?" Delta walked onwards.

"Some." Pyotr answered. "I think they more recognize me from my council days."

"Then, they're probably paranoid over your appearance." Delta stated. "You are quite hideous." She smirked while he was fuming in the back.

Pyotr wanted to strangle the girl, but Timo shook his head. Pyotr tripped over Delta suddenly stopping. Pyotr cursed from the ground while Timo narrowed his eyes in concern. He turned Delta towards im and saw her hesitance.

"What seems to be the issue?" He gently inquired.

"Beyond that door is my father."

"And why are we stopping?" Pyotr dusted his pants off. "I can hear the sound of punches."

"The noblemen are there and... I don't think I can handle them by myself." She looked down.

"Welp, lucky you that we made a deal. Because helping you in your quest was in the fine details." Pyotr winked.

Delta softly smiled at that. Timo gave her a firm nod before slapping open the door.


Michael planned to meet Geneve to go over strategies for locking down the country. Carla had left and Geneve was beyond pissed. Geneve had ordered for some girl to be moved from the Colombian holding cells. Michael didn't know the relevance of the person, but didn't care to inquire much.

He walked into the main room not to find Geneve. He turned around in confusion, but stopped when he sensed others behind him. Michael smiled to himself and turned to see the 4 noblemen enter the room. Owen closed the door while Paul addressed Michael.

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