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Amelia's POV

Matt stopped the car prompting us to exit the car. I took a deep breath as I stared at the Cobalt Enterprise sign. Yep, this is gonna be a shitshow.

"Ready?" Jade placed a hand on my lower back.

"This isn't going to be good." I admitted.

"Welp, better to get this over with." She gave me an encouraging smile.

"Let's go." Matt announced.

Matt led us inside the building. We approached the secretary desk where I stated my name. We were stunned when the secretary stated that my name wasn't on the list. I assured her I was on the list and could constantly bypass security. The secretary apologized, but claimed I wasn't on the list.

Matt began speaking and asked her to check again. He stated there was no way I wouldn't be on the list. The secretary inputted my name in the system, but shook her head. While we were speaking to her, security approached us. They kindly informed us that we weren't welcomed at the company.

"What do you mean we aren't welcomed?" Zayn was confused.

"I'm sorry, but you're not allowed on the property."

That's when it dawned on me that Lena blocked me. I rolled my eyes and cursed at her immaturity. Employees were staring at us since there was a scene unfolding. I glanced at Matt who got the hint.

"Gentlemen, there seems to be some kind of confusion. Please, let's sort this out in your office. There seems to be a crowd forming and we'd prefer privacy while solving this issue."

The security immediately accepted and guided us into the private office. The moment the doors closed, Matt and Zayn knocked them out. I went to their desk and forged badges for us. I printed them and handed them out. We then left and smiled at the secretary before scanning our way inside.

We made our way to the elevator and hit the designated floor. Zayn was jumpy and nervous about what awaited us upstairs. Jade knocked him upside the head and stated that Lena wouldn't do something so public since loads of humans were around. Well, we at least thought she wouldn't.

The elevator suddenly stopped. We had to grab onto the sides since the chamber shook. Zayn began to mildly freak out since he has a fear of elevators??? Like since when, dude? I rolled my eyes as the speaker systems sounded.

Amelia, you are not welcome.

"Put Lena on the line." I was over this and stared at the security camera.

She has informed us to not allow you upstairs. You will be sent downstairs and escorted out.

The moment he said that, the elevator began to descend. Fuck this! I scoffed and punched the camera. The three of them stared at me in shock. I then told Zayn to toss me his phone. I then ripped off the panel and disconnected the wires. I plugged Zayn's phone in and used the program to override the command. I smirked as we began to ascend again.

"You were right." Matt was impressed. "You called it."

"I know how that family operates." I spoke over my shoulder. "She's gonna kill us now." I crossed my arms.

"They're gonna wait outside the elevator doors to apprehend us." Jade commented.

"That's why I put fake floor numbers to throw them off." I breathed out.

"What do we do?" Zayn asked when the elevator doors open. "Fight back?"

"Follow my lead." I exited the elevator.

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