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Amelia's POV 

Zena was in the kitchen munching away on toast while Yeira chatted her ear off. Zena was writing letters to Acacia, but Yeira didn't care. Even though the letters would never be sent, it served as a therapeutic technique for Z. Yeira was geeking out on this new Lego set or something. When and where she got it will remain a mystery to me.

"Morning, girls." I kissed their heads. "How'd you sleep, Z?"

"Not well." She admitted. "Too many things going on-"

"She overthinks and misses Acacia." Yeira rolled her eyes. "She won't stop talking about the elf! Even in her sleep!"

"You don't have to be in my room!" Zena snapped. "Go somewhere else!"

"Okay, Z." I attempted to calm her. "Yei, apologize."

"But, it's the truth." She defended.

"Yeira." I sternly spoke.

"Fine." She scoffed. "Sorry." She spat.

"Like you meant that!" Zena snapped.

"Girls, it's way too early in the morning for this. Yeira, if you have issues with what Zena does in the confines of her room, then you can go to a different room."

"Like she'd survive." Zena muttered.

"What was that?!" Yeira demanded.

"What's gotten you both so agitated?" They both sent me a look like I was stupid. "Forget I asked that." I mumbled.

"Good morning, Amelia." We turned to find Lara entering.

The girls looked at each other in shock that she'd addressed me. I playfully tapped their cheeks and told them to get along.

"Good morning, princess Allura." The girls chocked on air while Lara furrowed her brows.

"You don't have to-"

"It's your title, is it not?"

"Yes, but you can refer to me by my name and-"

"Nonsense." I dismissed her. "You're a guest in my family home and I'd like to show you proper respect. So I shall refer to you with the proper etiquette and title."

"I'd prefer you just say my name-"

"Hey, Mia!" Zayn barreled inside and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "How are- oh." He gulped and slowly backed away.

I turned to see the murderous look Lara sent him. Zayn nervously coughed and made an excuse about going for a run before speeding away. I crossed my arms in annoyance while she turned her glare towards me. I rolled my eyes and brushed past her.

I walked to the courtyard and found Matt doing pull-ups on the banister. When he sensed me, he dropped down. His shirt was dangling from the back pocket of his jeans. He rubbed his hands together as I approached him.

"Was the shirt adding extra weight?" I chuckled.

"Missed your sarcasm, Mia." He crossed his arms and subtly flexed.

"Sure you're not getting smaller?" I joked to which he laughed. "Listen, Matt. I know our relationship has been rocky, but I appreciate you helping."

"Always." He assured. "Anything for you."

"I've been so angry with you that I never got the chance to ask." I sat down and obscured him squat in front of me. "Why'd you betray my family?"

"I was always an Interpol agent." Matt stated. "They made me a sleeper agent inside the Ricci pack. I was supposed to monitor to ensure that you guys were good. It was easy since Enzo..." He paused as he said my father's name. "He was just and a remarkable alpha. Even Dante after he took over. It was all routine. Reality got blurred at times and I forgot who I was working for. Enzo entrusted me with guaranteeing you and your mother's safety."

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