Chapter 63: The Dragon's Haven

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As Daniel is investigating Reignleif's chamber in the old dragon's keep, Ryuogriar holds the magic crystal panel that Xyreko made for them, which is showing what Daniel's helmet sees. At the moment, there's not a lot to see because of the hazy air created by the frost spell Reignleif placed to keep her room icy-cold. Reignleif herself is laying next to Ryuogriar where she can see the crystal panel as well, hugging her first egg as she scrolls on Daniel's phone, which contains books that he wrote himself. They are works of fiction, but Reignleif reads them every chance she gets.

Geirahoel is laying a little further away under the blankets, cuddling with both of her eggs as she hugs one of the pillows as well as a plush doll modeled after a somewhat strange-looking bear. She hums in soft irritation. "It's not fair! I want to talk to him, too..."

"Oh?" asks Ryuogriar teasingly. "What would you say to our beloved Mukori, dearest Geira?"

Geirahoel blushes, hiding her face under the blankets.

The senior of the three dragons chuckles, adding softly, "I am a little disappointed as well, Reina, that you would keep it to yourself. I can't detect his helmet. I can reach any of the others, but..."

Reina replies softly, "It's not an active magic connection like telepathy. You can't detect it. You have to be able to see it and use a targeted spell. Afterwards, you will be able to visualize the connection again."

After removing the barrier and the spell casters dissipate the haze, Daniel approaches Reignleif's draschol'lak'barochan. He studies it for a moment, and then pulls out his water bottle, taking a drink. He begins coughing, and the three dragons both tense and crowd around the panel. "Mukori!" cry all three together.

Reignleif quickly says, "He can't hear me! He took his helmet off!"

"Should we go!?" asks Geirahoel quickly and passionately. "Did something attack him!?"

After only a brief moment of his helmet shaking around and Daniel coughing, he says calmly, though his voice sounds rough, "I'm fine. Just a little went down the wrong pipe."

"Wh-What is that?" asks Wenlianna, directed at Daniel.

Daniel catches his breath for a moment, coughing one last time before he can answer more clearly. "Milk. Someone wanted to prove her wifeliness."

Reignleif and Ryuogriar flinch. They glance at each other, and then look at Geirahoel, who is cupping her cheeks with a look of embarrassment as her face fills brightly with color. She mouths inaudibly, unable to form words of defense, though her voice comes out in small squeaks and gasps.

They look at the panel again when Daniel says to Hekate, "Hekate? You're growling."

"She beat me again! I'm fighting her when we get home!" cries the little feldrok empress.

"It wasn't Ryuo," replies Daniel without a single hint of doubt.

"Wh-Wha-? How do you know?"

"Just a hunch." Finally, his helmet goes back onto his head and stabilizes, looking at Reignleif's draschol'lak'barochan. It vanishes into Daniel's medium sized magic bag.

And then, he surprises all three dragons. "Mukori, I have a question."

Reignleif speaks, though she's projecting her voice to Daniel telepathically, "Y-Yes, Mukori?"

"Where is your haven?"

All three dragons flinch. They look at each other. Geirahoel asks, "Wh-What do we say?" She is currently bundled in Daniel's blanket with her eggs nestled by his pillows, and the plushie doll she is hugging is something Daniel made in anticipation of his first child, with more that he's working on. Reignleif, in addition to reading his stories on his phone, is also wearing one of his shirts instead of her normal dress. Ryuogriar already put some of her hair and scales in strategic places around the room to antagonize Hekate, and she's covered only by one of his sheets, otherwise nude.

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