Chapter 1: Summoned to Another World

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A sudden, cataclysmic clap of thunder, followed by the cry of a departed soul as a concentrated point of magic evaporates into the fabric of the world. Then, an uncontrollable wave of terror grips the souls of many. A veritable titan of the world, the mightiest of living beings, has been struck down in a single terrifying blow. Behind this thunder lingers a fiend of dark hair and dark eyes and a demonic presence of pitch black -the bringer of death-. The piercing gaze of the Couple of Death touches her...

The old woman jolts out of her trance, her heart pounding in her ears. She can't get her bearings right away, and it takes several moments before she can hear the voices calling to her; the people around her witnessing her premonition as the vision smoke fades. She clutches the arm touching her shoulder, trying to grip reality as she does everything she can to steady her breathing.

"...eer. Lady Dawnseer, what is it? What did you see?"

She continues panting, her old body feeling ready to give way and escape what is to come. She swallows hard as her assistant offers her water. She waves it off, still trying to catch her breath.

The King, the one who asked her to clarify the prophetic dreams spreading rumors through the kingdom, asks gently, "Lady Dawnseer?"

She waves her hand, nodding. She takes a breath and calms herself. Though terror still grips her soul, she is able to control her breathing, at least. "I saw... Death... No... Two. A man... and a woman. With... thunder... they struck down a dragon."

The ritual room falls eerily silent as the lords and ladies whispering cease all discussion and speculation of what the wisewoman saw. Magic has been a tool of the kingdom for many years, and with it, come many blessings. However, these same blessings, especially when peering into the future, can sometimes become akin to a curse.

It is the fourth month of the year 1841 of the Third Era -the Age of the Demon Tyrant-. The west has always been an unruly place inhabited by the wild tribes; demons, orcs, goblins, vampires, feralkin, and of course, the dragons. Comprising over 50% of the known world, the territory loosely united under the Demon Tyrant is the largest territory on the continent, and the furthest west one can go before reaching the ocean, with too much sea to sail across to verify what lies on the other side.

King Greydald asks the elderly woman, who specializes in her rather difficult and fairly unique fortune telling -which has proven accurate more times than not-, "Tell me, Lady Dawnseer; what of the war? What of the Empire's demands? What did you see?"

She looks at him with fear in her eyes. "I saw no war, your Majesty. I saw Death incarnate. Terror. Fear. Panic. Not the peak of a war, but an omen of destruction!" She begins coughing as her old body rebels against her fearful passion.

Her assistant hands her water once more, and she drinks it down quickly.

The nobles around the room begin to murmur, and Duke Alros asks urgently, "What does this mean? Do we surrender to the Empire's demands, or do we resist their call for more troops?"

Princess Heralesse, the eldest and Crown Princess, rises from her seat on the right hand side of the throne, "We don't have the resources or troops to spare. The dry season is setting in, and our canals and dikes are in serious need of repair."

Soon, the room is in uproar as the nobles protest the priorities, pushing for their own respective territorial challenges with the threat of lessened manpower.

The King waves his hand, trying to settle the ruckus, and he calls out, "Settle down, please. Settle down. Discord will serve us no better than ignorance."

The room falls quiet again, and Princess Erimaya raises her hand from her seat on the opposite side of the King's left side across the Queen herself. Greydald states, "What is it, Erimaya?"

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