Chapter 72: Searching for Officers

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~Author's Note: Hey Dear Readers! A quick moment, if you'd please. Apparently, my story appears to be eligible for the Watty's here on Wattpad, and I've been hiding under a rock before I regularly started posting this story, so I was curious if any of you know. Please comment below what any major cons to submitting to the Watty's might be. I know the obvious pro (exposure), which is tempting, and please feel free to balance other pros with the cons, but if there's some clause I'm missing that would screw me and posting on other sites, I'd like to know from anyone that knows of solid information.

Thanks! I hope you continue to enjoy my story!~


Hekate calls out as the shuttle is approaching the battle zone, "Listen, you know the stakes. They hurt Daniel, they're attacking our home, and they won't give up until we send a message. We've held back for their sake, and I'm tired of it. But... I don't want Daniel to be sad. So, we're going to do everything in our power to scare these guys back over the mountains. Don't let up until the last soldier has turned and run away. Or, if Choul captures the general, then we'll try to get him to order a retreat. Failing that, back to plan 'A'. Questions?"

Everyone shakes their heads, and Choul's voice speaks to her telepathically, "I shall not fail, your Greatness. If I have to pursue him to the ends of the earth or capture the general who replaces him, I will bring someone of command."

"We're counting on you, Choul, but don't get caught off guard by those assassins like we did. They hit fast and hard."

"Agreed. I suspect they located your group via magic, as they ignored me during my time in the camp."

"Good to know, but we've got plenty of magic users. Here's hoping they can't fly."

"Should you need me, I will be listening, your Greatness."

She nods, thanking Ucahote, "Thank you, Ucahote, for relaying to him."

The golem bows his head as he pilots the shuttle, which will also allow him to command the battle from above. He states, "Brace yourselves. Golem strike team is dropping now."

The golems in the back, much heavier than usual soldiers and wearing backpacks with a large piece of fabric inside for each one, hook cables to an anchor just inside the door as one of the golems opens the hatch. Wind begins roaring in the cabin as the women hold firmly to their seats.

As the golems file out, the cable pulls the parachutes out, deploying them automatically and allowing the golems to fall safely to the ground without suffering damage, even from high up out of range of attack spells. By the time the golems are in range, they can detach from the parachutes and likely survive the drop, assuming they are at risk of being destroyed during the drop.

The other shuttles deploy golems in the same fashion, dropping them directly into the ranks of the forward attack force, who are re-establishing their ranks to march on the Citadel.

Ucahote banks, guiding the shuttle in a descending arc, giving the hand signal. They're flying slower, and the strike team members anchor their own cables to prevent themselves from falling out of the shuttle. Even though he expressly desires to avoid conflict, Daniel spared none of his secrets, it seems, by bringing warfare techniques of the militaries of his world. The other shuttles, completely manned by golems, have machine guns and are on defense for the shuttle carrying Hekate, Aoloan, Kera'tai, Treia, Gwenesphia, Vaergraes, and Illianna. They are all armed with various elemental 'rifles', and they take stations on either side, taking turns firing and pulling back to cycle the recocking handle. Elemental attacks rain down below the golems, causing explosions of all six of the primary elements that scatter and injure some of the soldiers. They're beyond the point of caution, but the elemental weapons can be tuned to be less lethal, and the long range saps some of the energy. The soldiers will almost certainly survive, as long as they aren't hit by multiple shots, but it's no longer as much of a priority.

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