Chapter 21: The Feldrok Sorcerer

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Wenlianna walks delicately into the tent of her mother's war-camp. It's perched along the shore of the Great Gulf, a massive body of water predominantly surrounded by the kingdom of Bromlund. In exchange for helping recapture the capital, and thus, the Kingdom of Bromlund's treasury and castle, Bromlund's surviving royalty and nobility sold a large portion of the Kingdom's land to the Grand Duchy of Stalvaltan, including the rather large port town they're in now.

Wenlianna does her best to sneak into the tent, where the military command map is. It has a rough layout of all of the troops as they've been reported most recently. Rikuto has helped capture the capital and stabilized many of the cities and towns on the southern side of the kingdom. The current map shows forces from Stalvaltan and the Kingdom, while other sections are marked with the kingdoms further north and across the Gulf. Almost the entirety of Bromlund is under renewed control. Because the Empire had to step in, the cause of the revolution will be investigated, and a sort of reset will cripple the economy of the kingdom while they try to restore order and balance to the lives of the lower classes.

But, Wenlianna has no real interest in Bromlund. She has no interest in the mansion Aramellianna plans to build on the gulf. She has no interest in the revolutionary war nor the greater war with the demons.

"We already have troops en route, Wenlianna."

The Magic Artisan squeaks with a jump as she whirls. Her mother entered right behind her, standing gracefully with her usual prideful expression.

"Your beloved will be in your arms soon enough, Wenlianna. They have orders to ride for Fort Twilight with haste."

Wenlianna blushes. "M... Thank you, Mother. But, what if...?"

"Do not fear 'what if'. Control what is within reach."

Wenlianna glances at the map, and Aramellianna sighs. "There have been no reports of demon attacks on any of the border fortresses. As soon as our troops arrive, we'll reclaim Daniel, and he'll be out of harm's way."

"Mother... What if he thinks we abandoned him? It's been so long..."

"It's only been a couple of months. You should be more angry that he played along with that foolish plan those ignorant cutthroats foisted on Rikuto. If he had given me the chance to respond, we would not be in this mess."

Wenlianna looks down. "Daniel is quick to do what he thinks is right... Even if it means detriment to himself. He was the first one in the water after the princess. He saved two lives. I know in some... otherworldly way, he thought he was protecting us." She murmurs as she clutches the first diamond they made together in her hands. "I want to protect him better..."

"We will, Wenlianna. We will."

A man clears his throat, and they both look to the entrance of the tent. "Your Grace." He presents a rolled up scroll, and Aramellianna accepts it. She unrolls it and reads it briefly. Her eyes narrow, and she asks, "When was this sent?"
"About a month ago, your Grace. From Fort Peony. 'The Flower Garden', at the north end of the mountains."

"Why...?" Aramellianna shakes her head in confusion and frustration.

Worry creeps into Wenlianna's voice, "Mother? What is it?"

Aramellianna hands the letter over, asking distantly, "Why is he...?" She looks at the map suddenly.

Wenlianna gasps upon reading the letter. It's a report of a Divine Summon going missing somewhere west of the mountains during a 'free scout'. Wenlianna asks, "W-... Wasn't Daniel supposed to be headed to Fort Twilight?"

Aramellianna says softly, "They never crossed into Bromlund... Our riders didn't fail to catch them. They had already diverted course..."

"D-... Did King Regent Rikuto deceive us?"

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