Chapter 62: The Dragon's Hoard Part 3

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Daniel looks at the chamber the members of 'Unity of the Great Dragons' showed him and his companions to. The Unity of the Great Dragons is a religious sect of disillusioned peoples from the various nations of the continent, including several from the east, lost and having found their way to the village. Most revere them as a cult, but their practices are a pretty straightforward worship of the dragons as the 'original race of Zenkon', and thus descendants of the gods or gods themselves. Daniel's not too sure from the translated meanings.

Regardless, the villagers stop at the threshold to the chamber, which they claim was 'the Platinum Queen's private chamber'.

Unsurprisingly, it looks like little more than a cavern with raw ore veins visible in the walls, and a curved tunnel that loops around deeper. Daniel steps into the offset walkway, and he can feel a slight static-tingle as he passes into the corridor. When the human mechanic approaches the corner of the winding path, he can see a large space with a padded area for a large creature to sleep, and a few obvious treasures and artifacts Daniel wouldn't know what to do with.

The villagers behind him begin murmuring. Hekate cries out, "What!? What is this!" She begins slamming her fists against something that sounds sort of like glass, and Daniel looks. No one, not even Xyreko or Hekate, seem to be able to follow him. The corridor seems designed to prevent anyone from seeing into or using magic or tools to manipulate the room.

"Daniel?" asks Treia.

"It's some kind of automatic barrier," explains Vaergraes as she touches the invisible surface. Hekate takes a step back and begins charging magic.

"I bet I'm stronger," growls the feldrok girl.

"Hekate, I'm fine." She flinches at Daniel's words, and he says with amusement, "I'm guessing All of them guarded their rooms with barriers to keep others out, especially uninvited guests."

"Well, I'm invited too!" whines Hekate.

"I don't know if that's it. I'd be more willing to guess that it has to do with me, of all people."

The others think, and Gwenesphia is the one to get it first. "Because you have no magic! The barrier can't react to you!"

Xyreko looks at her, and then at Daniel. She states, "Your Grace, have we ever tested your ability to pass through my barriers?"

"What? No. Why would...?" Daniel trails off as he realizes what she's asking. "Huh... I wouldn't think it would be that simple."

Vaergraes is the first to begin laughing, and then Aoloan, Kera'tai, followed by everyone else. Hekate crosses her arms and says, "Fine. But, if you need help, Daniel, I'm breaking through this barrier."

"And, I'm sure you'll succeed. But, relax. I can't imagine Ryuogriar booby-trapped her personal quarters."

Hekate huffs as she looks away. "Booby-something, maybe."

The other women chuckle at her, and Vaergraes pats her shoulder gently. "Don't take it to heart, your Greatness."

Hekate huffs with a "Hmph!" and she turns away. "I was hoping I could use a long stick or net to sweep all of Ryuo's treasure out of the room, but that stupid wall is in the way."

Meanwhile, Daniel searches the room casually. It's humongous compared to a human's room, which is fitting, given how large Ryuogriar actually is, and most of it is gold coins and gemstones littered about. He asks, "Xyreko, can you check with them to see if..."

"You know we are listening, Mukori..." replies Reignleif's voice through his helmet. "Though, admittedly, I am the only one who learned about your helmet."

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