Chapter 10: The Second Princess and the Mechanic

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Parts Wenlianna had commissioned were being delivered from blacksmiths all over the kingdom; impellers and casings, rotors and shafts, and pulleys. Even the simple-seeming 'shaft keys' Daniel designed are a clever addition to what they're doing. They lock the shaft into the rotor and pulleys with a relatively simple design, allowing easy replacement of parts, while also ensuring a sturdy design, as long as it's assembled properly.

And now, Daniel and Wenlianna are staging parts with the help of servants and other craftsman interested in learning, while many of the nobles and Rikuto and Heralesse watch from nearby. Even Aramellianna is seated in a comfortable chair under an umbrella, comfortable to watch the whole show as fellow nobles try to butter her up, either for her own hand in marriage, or for that of her daughters.

Daniel passively observes a master flirt and charmer at work. Aramellianna would be right at home livestreaming on the internet, were she on Earth. She speaks affectionately and kindly, while masterfully deflecting all sorts of passes and curries of favor. Everyone is equally beneath her, particularly if they're trying to get something from her. The blacksmiths dropping off fresh parts have an equal chance at her hand as the counts and earls cozying up to her -though, careful not to block her line of sight or disrupt her shade-. Daniel has only witnessed from afar as her personality shifts from socialite to cold-blooded dread-eater. Even the most foolish back off if they've tripped over her line.

Heralesse approaches Wenlianna. "Tell me, Duchess Wenlianna; how does this device work differently than the other pump? It looks smaller."

Wenlianna explains, "Ahhh, I love a curious mind, Princess! It's quite simple, actually. The piston pump spends half of its cycle pulling water in, and the other half pushing the water back out. By using this impeller;" The Magic Artisan gestures at the strange wheel with curved fins rising from one surface. "Water is constantly being flung out by the fins, and that motion alone draws more water in, all in the same cycle. Thus, rather than splitting half of its energy for each motion, it accomplishes both at the same time. And, the best part is, it'll be a lot quieter."


Wenlianna nods confidently. She speaks as if she's witnessed it first hand, though this will be the first centrifugal pump she's seen as well. Daniel explained the theory as best as he could, while she helped draft the designs to pass to the blacksmiths. Without metering and measuring equipment, they're a ways off of discussing pump theory on a numbers level, since Daniel only knows some of the equations and what they tell an operator and designer.

Heralesse asks, "Why didn't you and Daniel start with this design, then?"

Rikuto and Wenlianna chuckle together, and Rikuto explains, "The piston pump was able to use wind crystals. The turbines we discussed will take a lot more time to build. This will use electrical power."

Wenlianna nods in agreement.

Daniel adds as he approaches, "Unfortunately, I'm fuzzy on the math, so I'm adding in a sort of limiter until we find a way of measuring..."


Everyone looks where something relatively heavy just hit the river from above, directly in front of the open portcullis of the castle's river access. Judging by the splash and rings of waves, it would have to have been something roughly the size of a person, but no one comes to the surface or splashes. The rings are carried into the castle's marina by the relatively moderate flow rate, and still no one pops up.

However, a glint catches Daniel's eye, and he notices an armored body hit the water feet-first. Surprised, he looks up the castle wall to find another knight and a maid on the ramparts, though they're inaudible.

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