Chapter 26: The Mechanic Finds the Citadel

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Fort Peony, also known colloquially as 'The Flower Garden', was once a semi-ceremonial fortress at the mountain range separating the allied kingdoms of the east from the demon lands of the west, but its remote and treacherous location made it almost impossible to pass through the area with a large military force. As such, it was almost entirely manned by noble women seeking to earn prestige as military personnel, but perched in a relatively safe location where their families wouldn't have to worry about them so much -in theory-.

Unfortunately, a devastating attack from a dragon has left the demon-side wall of the fortress in the valley melted most of the way through, but after two weeks of no signs of invasion, the allied military sent a full contingent to Fort Peony and the surrounding valley clearings to reinforce and begin reconstruction.

A hooded figure walks through the center of the fortress, near where a simple well had a manual hand pump attached to it. At first, the figure was ignored. After all, it was as if they had appeared inside the gate, rather than passing through, which, given the watchstanders fiercely guarding both entrances to the fortress, would be quite difficult without an alarm being raised.

However, not all in this world needed to pass through a gate to arrive at a location. Or rather, those from beyond the worldly plain would have no trouble.

Eventually, though, this figure, walking through in an apparent daze while the fortress was busily trying to rebuild and fortify against the risk of a follow-up invasion attempt, would be noticed. It's natural in a place of fervent work to be noticed when one is idle, and even more so when not in uniform or armor.

"You there! Halt and declare yourself!"

The head of the hooded figure tilts only slightly as soldiers of all sizes, shapes, and from various commands swarmed around at the emergent call of one of their own. Commander Leiwelles approaches the figure with her sword drawn and a buckler on her offhand ready to block a surprise attack. While she was the commanding officer of Fort Peony before the main garrison took over, she was always a warrior in her own right. MOST soldiers in the world are prepared to fight the demons or other humanoids, including the goblins, lesser demons, kirins, dattakoriens, and all of the others, save the true demons and the dragons. Few stand a chance in battle against a true demon or a dragon.

Leiwelles states in a more cautionary tone with a hint of dryness, "Strangers don't do well at the Garden, Stranger. I'd recommend you keep your hands where my archers can see them and lower that hood if you want to see tomorrow."


This puts Leiwelles off her guard for a moment. "P-Pardon?" It's a feminine voice, so it definitely isn't Daniel himself, and he hasn't been seen since the scouts retreated from when they first spotted the dragon and its vanguard force.

The hooded figure looks at Leiwelles, and she's further disarmed by the pained expression of the young woman. To describe her appearance as heavenly wouldn't do her beauty justice. Her hair seems to glow with inhuman light, even under the hood of her robes hiding who and what she is. Her eyes sparkle deeply like a night sky. Her face is delicate and beautiful, and seems capable of producing expressions of wisdom as easily as expressions of innocence.


A sword falls from an armored gauntlet. Leiwelles couldn't raise her sword to this being if she tried. She knows it in her gut. She doesn't know why, but she just knows.


"It's alright..." The Commander murmurs softly.

The Divine Being speaks quietly, "I was told a man named 'Daniel' was here. I must speak with him."

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