Chapter 42: The Feldrok Sorcerer Summons a Sun

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The morning sky is calm and quiet. The clouds that are present are light and would be welcome shade in the afternoon sun, but for now, simply shine white in the morning sunrise. The birds and insects that reside in the demon wildlands fill the air with nature's music, and refugees march from their homes far in the west, heading east towards the safe zones being established near the villages and cities that can sustain the influx of refugees.

The sun's gaze upon the world restores color to the mountains in every direction, and as the ground passes by far below, Daniel can't help but appreciate the beauty of this world. In many ways, it shares similarities with Earth, and in others, it exceeds Earth in color and vibrance, reminding him that he is in another world.

Hekate murmurs softly, "I've... never been this high up..." She's sitting in front of Daniel, and tears sprinkle his helmet's transparent visor. He pats her forearms from behind, reassuring her. She wipes her face briefly, regaining her confidence. Reignleif is quiet behind him, simply hugging his back and listening to his heartbeat.

Ryuogriar is in a comfortable glide, conserving energy as much as possible as she carries the payload that doesn't belong in this world.

Daniel pets her neck from his position seated on her back, "Ryuo, are you doing alright?"

She tilts her head slightly, but Daniel doesn't hear a response. Hekate calls over her shoulder, "She says she's doing well! Thank you for checking!"

Daniel thanks the young Feldrok, "Thank you, Hekate. Ryuo; if you start to feel tired, let us know."

She nods her head, focusing on her path ahead to the testing zone Xyreko identified. It is the most barren area they could find, and should possess the least amount of life of any kind.

Daniel recalls from his research for a book once that Tsar Bomba, the largest nuclear weapon ever detonated for testing, had an instantly lethal blast radius of thirty miles, with collateral damage as far as 400 miles away. His bomb is significantly smaller that Tsar Bomba, but because of the various shell components he's using to reflect the blast inwards using mithril, his bomb could hopefully mimic its much larger inspiration with a smaller package.

The dawn of the secret nuclear age of this world is upon them. Only a handful of people are aware that they are intending to take any action, and as far as Vaergraes is concerned, Daniel is FAR ahead of schedule -mainly because he didn't want her to witness his weapon up close in any capacity-.

Ryuogriar cocks her head briefly, and Hekate calls out, "We're approaching the target zone, Daniel!"

"Thank you, Ryuo, Hekate. Get ready. Just like we practiced."

"Ready!" calls out Hekate.

"I'm ready," adds Reignleif from behind him, hugging him more firmly. Ryuogriar nods in confirmation as well. She begins ascending higher into the sky. Daniel shifts, and Hekate and Reignleif help him climb down to the bomb. It's a precarious position, but Ryuogriar is flying carefully so that he can reach it safely. He's also hooked to her via a rope, which Reignleif is also holding.

Daniel takes position on the bomb between Ryuogriar's hands where her massive claws are cradling it. Daniel reiterates once again, "Twenty seconds from go! Commencing countdown! Five! Four! Three! Two! One! GO!" He pulls the arming pin, which starts the timer, and the moment he says 'Go', gravity seems to disappear as the bomb drops away from him. Ryuogriar catches him with rehearsed precision, and she casts her transformation spell to quickly turn into her human form with wings. Reignleif has Hekate, who is already casting her return spell, and Ryuogriar catches Reignleif's hand while holding Daniel.

Daniel counts the seconds in his head. Nine, one thousand, ten, one thousand, eleven, one thousand, twelve, one thousand...

The magic glow swirls around them, and all at once, when it fades, they are in a completely different location. They land quickly on the ground near Xyreko, who was waiting for them, and they all turn towards the west as Xyreko raises a color-distorting barrier to reduce the glare, per Daniel's instructions.

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