Chapter 67: A Dragon's Wrath

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The sound of flesh striking flesh silences the contract chamber in the Citadel, a special room with several magic circles on the floor and dozens of various glyphs encircling each one. The magic contracts binding Ryuogriar, Reignleif, and Geirahoel to Daniel's will have just been lifted, and while a threat was discovered and prevented swiftly, a different surprise catches everyone off-guard once more.

Geirahoel just used her newly acquired total freedom to slap Daniel, and he cups his cheek as his wide eyes stare in shock at Geirahoel, whose hand is still in her follow-through stopping point.

"G-Geira!?" asks Hekate with surprise. Without warning, Geirahoel suddenly grips Daniel's jacket collar and pulls him close, kissing him. Hekate goes rigid, her tail puffing up as she becomes defensive. "H-Hey!"

When Geirahoel relaxes, her cheeks are a fiery red, and she says haughtily, "Th-That was for all the t-times you embarrassed me. M-Mukori..." She trails off, blushing across almost her entire face, and she finally looks down. She murmurs, "I-... I won't... hurt you again."

Daniel finally scoffs and chuckles, freed from his stupor from being suddenly slapped. "That didn't hurt so much. If anything,..." He continues rubbing his cheek gently, which is only slightly reddened. It obviously wasn't the full force she's capable of, but enough to prove she has her own free will in its entirety once more. "It was just the right force to turn me on."

Daniel grins deviously, and Geirahoel flinches, whirling away from him as she hides her face with a whine. "Aaaah! Sh-Shut up! Why would you say that!? You're a despicable person!"

Hekate swoops in, pouncing onto Daniel's back, "Daniel! You never flirt with me like that!"

Daniel chuckles. "Sure I do. It's called the Hekate game."

The others laugh as Hekate groans. "That's not flirting! You're just teasing me!"

"That's just how boys show affection."

There's another knock at the door to the chamber, and one of the soldier golems opens the door. Choul jogs in, dropping to a kneel. "Forgive my intrusion, your Graces. An invasion force is incoming."

"You are not forgiven!" snaps Geirahoel. Daniel gently takes her hand, distracting her, and she relents, but she's still angered by Choul's presence.

"What!?" asks Hekate in surprise. "Who is it this time!?"

"Th-This time?" asks Choul, now confused.

"The east is confused about my position here," replies Daniel. "What kind of force are we looking at?"

"One hundred thousand, give or take twenty. I witnessed a wide array of eastern races bearing varying sigils. They are about to cross into Fievegal territory."

"How are a hundred thousand soldiers marching across Covenant territory?" asks Kera'tai, horrified at the notion.

"I don't know, my Lady..."

"Then what good are you?" snaps Geirahoel caustically.

"Geira, Mukori, relax. He's trying to help."

She glares briefly at Daniel, but she huffs and relaxes a little, pouting quietly.

Daniel asks, "Any signs of an airship?"

"No, my Liege."

Wenlianna chimes in, "I didn't share designs with anyone outside of Mother and the engineers who helped us build it. She'll likely build another, but I wouldn't expect her to reveal it to the other houses. I'm... not sure anyone other than Princess Erimaya even knows I'm working on it."

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