Chapter 61: The Dragon's Hoard Part 2

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On the day of the expedition to the dragon's keep, Daniel meets up with his mission team; Hekate, Treia, Gwenesphia, Aoloan, Wenlianna, a couple of Stalvaltan guards assigned to protect Wenlianna specifically, Vaergraes, and several of Xyreko's heavily armed machine gun golems.

However, Daniel is surprised by who he finds at the shuttle waiting for them. "Master! You're here!"

"Kera'tai? I thought you were still in the surrounding town with your people."

She sports a wide smile. "I was! But, we're all settled in. Thank you for letting us move here. The... other tribe leaders are still talking about invading east."

"I've heard mention of it. If I knew how to stop it without exterminating a lot of people..."

"I know. For now, being out of reach is fine. So! I also heard from Shek and Skloe that you're heading to the dragon's keep!"

Treia murmurs, "Shouldn't you have told them to keep it quiet, Daniel?"

"It's fine. No one will be able to overtake us, and if they arrive after we do, they still have to fend off our defenses. Hopefully, the... uh... cultists around the keep will be friendly with us."

Ryuogriar, standing with Geirahoel and Reignleif nearby to send them off replies gently, "They should cooperate. If anything, they'll beg you to tell them where we are. I expect they will be happy to join you if you permit them."

"Are you comfortable with having them around? They didn't pester you before?"

Ryuogriar waves her hand dismissively. "They're mere human kin and weaker demon kin. They are no threat to us."

"I think he meant nuisance, rather than threat, Ryuo," murmurs Reignleif. She explains to Daniel, "Many of our acolytes were chosen from the cultists."

Geirahoel scoffs. "'Acolytes'. They were servants. Poorly treated servants, and yet they still kept crawling back."

Hekate is coldly quiet as they speak, and Geirahoel takes notice. She murmurs, "Apologies, Hekate."

Hekate twitches, but she pastes on a smile. "It's alright now..." She faces Daniel, adding, "They're right. The acolytes volunteered to serve every whim of the dragons, including spies, assassins, maids and butlers, and even caretakers for the livestock. I never saw any baby dragons, but I heard some of the acolytes were killed when they let one of the infants die."

All three dragons grow soft.

Daniel disrupts the dark tone, "This is getting a bit too heavy. Will having the acolytes here cause problems for anyone? Please answer honestly. No hard feelings either way."

Reignleif speaks first. "I intend to care for my own children, but I won't object to them otherwise." Ryuogriar and Geirahoel nod in agreement.

Daniel looks at Hekate, and she replies softly, "I was envious of them for a long time. They have to agree to serve me as a feldrok." She hugs herself as she adds softly, "They... will probably fear or hate me."

"If that is the case," answers Ryuogriar. "Then they are no allies of ours, either."

"You're just saying that 'cause Daniel's here..." grumbles Hekate.

"Don't flatter yourself, child," retorts Ryuogriar. "You've said it yourself, we're all Daniel's family now. If I were to allow Daniel's family to be harmed by mere servants, I would be a disgrace." She teases in her smug way, "I'd rather trick you into serving me than distress you with obsessed cultists."

Hekate blushes and looks away bashfully as she tries to hide behind Daniel. She points at Ryuogriar from Daniel's opposite side, "J-Just because you said something nice doesn't mean I've given up our rivalry!"

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