Chapter 27: Tales of the Lost Otherworlder

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Wenlianna stares idly at the rough, imperfect, carbon-scored diamond in her fingers. It represents the first of a wild string of successes that have all but singularly boosted the Grand Duchy of Stalvaltan to a level of wealth competing with the Empire itself, let alone any of the other kingdoms. Though, waging the suppression of the revolution in Bromlund quickly made use of much of that wealth, the Stalvaltan territory was now more influential and more powerful than ever.

And, all of it started with a single, man-made diamond.

No... she thought. It started much earlier than that.

She'll likely never forgive him. The King Regent from the same world as Daniel, King Rikuto Tachibana, sent Daniel to the edge of the world. He sent him to the very front lines of the war with the demons. And, he did so to pacify noble fathers and sons who only saw Princess Erimaya as a thing to be besmirched by the hands of another man, rather than a life that Daniel saved through techniques his world teaches to children where practical.

And now, several months later, the news has finally reached them.

Daniel faced off against a dragon and its vanguard alone and hasn't been seen since.

Aramellianna's intelligence forces weren't fast enough to reach Fort Peony before it was evacuated, and they naturally stayed at the main garrison to aid in shoring defenses in preparation for desperately holding off the dragon... only for it to never arrive.

Given that there were no signs of the dragon being felled by the otherworlder, and no signs of his death being put on display, it's entirely possible they knew of his otherworldly status and took him prisoner. Just as Wenlianna and so many in the kingdom and the Grand Duchy had their lives vastly improved, Daniel's wisdom could accelerate the demons the same number of decades or centuries ahead of where they are now, if given the time and resources.

And, given how he was treated both in the kingdom and more importantly at the fort, it's entirely possible he advertised his otherwolder status the moment the vanguard arrived, and some in the intelligence branch believe he even may have done so in exchange for ceasing the invasion, given what they all knew about his personality. While this is noble at face value, the detriments of the demons gaining access to the technology inside Daniel's brain are potentially unfathomable. Especially if the dragons can be made truly invincible through his efforts. It already takes an army to defeat a single dragon -and only the dragon itself-. And, that's still if they're lucky to begin with. A dragon armed with something Daniel could create...

Or worse, the rest of the demon army becoming as tough or comparable to dragons...

Wenlianna squeezes her hand around the diamond, praying softly. Daniel wouldn't try to harm anyone. If he did agree to go willingly, she has no doubt he did so with the truest of good intentions.

Strangely, though, the Dawnseer died suddenly in her sleep after crying out in agony for a long moment, unable to be awakened. Given the stream of worsening visions involving the man wielding a terrifying magic staff slaying a dragon and allying with death itself before 'erasing the horizon', it was likely an even more clear vision of the same events. Unfortunately, there is no way to know for certain if the visions are related to Daniel or Rikuto, or to someone else now that she's passed on. They were originally summoned to this world BECAUSE the Dawnseer began having the premonition. But, it seems even attempting to divert a river can be the exact path to the flood to be avoided.

It's possible the Dawnseer didn't prevent the premonition; she directly played into it coming true. And, unfortunately, it could have been that realization that caused the Dawnseer to not awaken ever again.

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