Chapter 41: The Awakened Titan

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Aramellianna stares out through the window at the rising sun on the horizon. She hasn't spoken just yet since receiving the report. She hasn't even fully acknowledged it yet. The implications are grave, and the revelation will be even worse for Wenlianna.

 The implications are grave, and the revelation will be even worse for Wenlianna

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(Grand Duchess Aramellianna kos Stalvaltan)

She turns again to face Captain Muindis, Captain of the squad she sent west to search for and retrieve Daniel as one arm of her search. He is still kneeling with his exhausted lieutenant right behind him. And, in the Captain's hands, held up as he awaits a response, is a simple leather jacket with the emblem of the Stalvaltan Grand Duchy on it.

She cannot form words. The Captain reported how he came across this jacket and the report of what he was told. A strange ruler of an ancient and formerly-defunct castle killed Daniel in retaliation for him killing dragons, and she fed him to goblins.

Even reporting that Daniel is simply dead is too much. Should Wenlianna, or anyone else, hear that he was fed to goblins...

Aramellianna asks a question she knows the answer to. "What of his weapon?"

The Captain shakes his head. "We weren't in a position to ask, your Grace."

She knew that would be the response. The Captain reported two dragons accompanying the strange queen or empress known only as Hekate, and each of those dragons was carrying an egg. That's in addition to the three other dragons that they confirmed were leisurely making themselves at home on the castle's structure as they approached. Assuming the rumors are true, and Daniel killed two dragons, they will be replaced in short order, it seems.

Aramellianna finally takes the jacket from the Captain, deliberating on what her next course of action will be. She could retaliate, but even she realizes that it's likely suicide. If the entire allied force banded together, there's only a very slim chance they could defeat all of the speculated living dragons in the world. It's dubious at best that they would win.

However, if Wenlianna put her mind to it...

Aramellianna shakes her head. It's an option, but not ideal. The moment she reveals this news, she loses the Wenlianna of today and spawns a different Wenlianna; one broken by heartbreak and driven by revenge -assuming she attempts to seek revenge-.

But, Daniel was as close to a son as Aramellianna could ask for. He would have been the moment the wedding was held. He was given a jacket with the Stalvaltan sigil because he's a trusted member of the Grand Duchy.

And, his jacket is almost exactly as the day he left, with mild wear and tear...

The Grand Duchess frowns as something just dawns on her. She inspects the jacket, flipping it back and forth. She finds some sand and leaves, a notebook in the interior pocket with a few notes that are definitely Daniel's, a couple of scuffs on the arms and back, but nothing else.

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