Chapter 44: The Reunion of Soldiers

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Treia stands before the armored knight wearing metal plate that seems to change colors depending on the magical energy around him. In spite of the powerful beings standing all around, she was able to walk directly up to him and punch him in the abdomen, expressing herself in the only way she knows how; lashing out when she's upset.

She can feel his gaze fall on her after he coughs, and she stares into where his eyes would be. Her own eyes water, and she growls, "You... stupid... idiot..." She sniffles, wiping her eyes.

"Do I... know you, Miss...?"

She bares her teeth a little, but she knows what he's doing. She knows he hasn't forgotten her. She whimpers, "I told you... I owe you. I have to repay you... S-... So why didn't you come back? You could've come back... I... I would've... I missed... I want..." She leans her forehead against his chest, trying to resist her tears. She whispers, "We finally found you... I don't know why you're here, but... I won't let you go again."

Hekate is now standing on her throne, facing Treia angrily. "You vile lecher! You would DARE try to seduce my Darling in my own audience chamber!?"

Ryuogriar retorts dryly and coldly, "As if anywhere else is preferable?"

"Shush! You!" Hekate hops down, startling Gwenesphia and Aoloan, who haven't figured it out yet. The young feldrok girl storms over to Daniel and Treia, shoving her way in between them. "He's my Darling, and you can't have him! Go find your Daniel somewhere else!"

Treia replies fearlessly, "He's right here. Your 'Darling' is Daniel, human sorcerer with no magic from another world."

"And, what makes you think my Darling would be the slayer of dragons? Doesn't that sound..."

"Two reasons. I'm still alive, and..." She glares into Daniel's eyes. "I can smell him." Her tail is swishing back and forth in slight irritation, but also, in such a manner that draws attention to it.

"Smell? Perhaps, my Darling killed your Daniel. Did you think of that?"

Treia ignores Hekate, speaking directly to Daniel. "Daniel, I just want to understand. What did you do? How did you conquer this place? Why are you allied with dragons, now?"

Geirahoel snarls, "I would never be ally to a random, vile human who murders dragons."

Treia looks at her, and Hekate whines, "Hey! Did you ignore me!?"

Treia adds, "You choose your words rather peculiarly. Especially given that you bother to speak my language. Daniel's smell is on all of you. Did you all kill him?" She looks at Daniel again. "That spell you unleashed earlier... What were you fighting? Is... Was it the demon queen?"

Daniel looks at Ryuogriar for a moment, and then Gwen and Aoloan, and finally Treia. He finally replies for himself, "No. It's a somewhat long story, but the quick version is, it was a monster that was devouring this world an acre at a time, and the Demon Queen was forced to weigh losing all of the demonkin against invading eastward. I don't think she's the enemy of the east."

Treia sighs. "I believe you, Daniel. Now, take off that stupid helmet. Armor doesn't suit you."

He scoffs. "It wasn't about appearances..."

"Well, I'm not here to kill you."

Hekate growls, "You're not here for anything. I won't let him leave."

Daniel puts his hand on her head, and she twitches, waving her big, bushy fox tail back and forth contentedly. He says gently, "It's alright... Treia figured it out. It was my fault." He looks at Ryuogriar and Reignleif, saying gently, "They're friends of mine. Please treat them well."

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