Chapter 68: Battle for the Plains Part 1

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Shortly before Choul begins his attack, Daniel, Hekate, Vaergraes, and Illianna disembark the rover ahead of the first wave of the invading army's forces; the contingent meant to establish a foothold for the siege itself.

"Wenlianna, stay focused on being safe. Slow is fast, alright?"

She nods, gripping the steering wheel. "R-Right!"

"You'll do fine."

She nods nervously, and Treia pokes her head into view from the back. "You better be safe, Daniel. I'd hate to have to use a revival potation on you so I can kill you."

Daniel chuckles. "Joke's on you. It wouldn't work on me."

"Do be safe, though, Daniel," adds Gwenesphia. She teases playfully, "It's not fair that the dragon empresses and goblin queens are the only ones."

"Right?" replies Hekate.

Daniel rolls his eyes and nods his head for them to go, and Wenlianna nods softly. She drives the rover in an arc to return the way they came and begin poisoning wells and springs with soap. Ideally, they'll route the invaders before they press far enough in for it to be necessary, but it's part of a scorched earth response, which is an effective strategy for defeating invaders. It's most effective in barren or winter-frozen areas, but the Citadel is surrounded by wide open plains and gently rolling hills, making it easy to maneuver troops, but lacking supplies for them to claim.

Daniel and his group walk until they come to the top of a small hill, and they can see the leading formations of the army as they are spreading out into wider ranks with a handful of riders coordinating. Hekate looks at Daniel, and he nods. "Go for it, sweetpea."

She grins, "Thanks! I wi-... Wait a minute.. What does that mean? 'Sweetpea'?"

"Hurry up. They're getting closer."

Illianna remarks, "I don't think they've noticed us, yet."

"Daniel, as your wife, you will tell me when this is over. I won't forget. And you won't distract me."

"Sure sure. Now, let's get started."

She nods, casting the hologram spell. It's modified from when she used it against the barrier of the Citadel, allowing her to form an illusion of herself that stands on its own, towering over them at fifty feet tall.

"Foolish invaders from the east! I am Hekate Fell Lawson, Empress of the Citadel and Ruler of the Fievegal! You dare to invade my territory once more? Send forth your emissary, or I shall commence my attack!"

Hekate waits for a moment as they watch the front lines, and Illianna points out, "They're concentrating magic at their center."

"Yes, I feel it too," adds Vaergraes.

"Can you block it?" asks Daniel.

"Yes. But, be prepared for their forces to charge and try to surround us. Empress Hekate is on the field."

"Right, makes sense." Daniel approaches Hekate, "Hekate? Are you ready?"

She grins and nods. "Why yes, Darling!" Her hologram and projected voice also repeat this line, and she steps slightly to the side, allowing Daniel to step into the projection with her. Thanks to the illusion, they stand relatively close in height -perhaps intentionally by the fox-eared little empress-. Regardless, Daniel waves his hand over the field. He has his helmet off, revealing that he is a human, but most of these people wouldn't know his face.

"Soldiers of the Allied Imperial Forces, I am Daniel Al-..." He sighs. "I am Daniel kos Lawson, and there has been a grave misunderstanding and delay in relayed information. I am not a hostage of the Citadel nor Hekate. I am..." Daniel struggles to say it not because he's actually under duress, but because he has been denying it, and it feels far outside of ridiculous for him, a humble mechanic, to say. "Emperor of the Citadel, Lord of the dragons and the Fievegal. I was banished to the front lines and had to survive on my own. I stopped the dragons from rampaging on the east, I have removed the pressures on the Demon Covenant to invade, and I have spared all who have attacked my family, my friends, and my home. This is your final warning. Turn back now, or face the full wrath of my allies."

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