Chapter 52: A Mechanic or an Emperor

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Daniel walks calmly down the hallway after parting with Geirahoel and Reignleif. He passes through the prison block, observing the golems dragging or marching new soldiers in. Hekate is rounding up everyone outside, it would seem, which is fine. He ultimately knows his concern was more or less unwarranted. Even if they fought ferociously, there was very little chance of the attackers defeating the golems as a whole. Daniel has read in the past, when technology levels were relatively close on both sides, it took three times as many soldiers to win a siege against an average defending fortress. While the invaders had no way of knowing, the three dragons close to Daniel alone could likely easily outweigh the twenty thousand troops they brought, especially on defense. The golems, on the other hand, number in the hundreds of thousands, if what Xyreko has said is true. And, Daniel has no reason to doubt her.

Daniel's not sure there are enough soldiers in the Imperial Alliance to actually win against the Citadel now that it's up and running again, and he's skeptical that they could defeat the demon army. Vaergraes and Thymeria sent word to the Uhl'tall to begin migrating to the Citadel town if they choose, as well as anyone else that would side with her over the rest of the Demon Covenant. It's slow going, and dangerous for them while the siege is taking place.

But, if Hekate unleashes on the attackers, it'll be over in mere moments. Daniel wanted them to lose morale and turn back on their own, but if they were prepared for a true siege, even if undermanned, then they could stay on station for months.

Daniel enters the cell containing the familiar captain of the Stalvaltan Guards that had visited before; Muindis.

"Captain," says Daniel coldly.

Muindis looks up from his seated position in the corner, where he has resigned himself to captivity -at least until his mana replenishes-. He recognizes Daniel's armor, no doubt, and almost immediately loses interest in talking to him. However, he does a double-take. "I-It can't be..."

He climbs to his feet, and Daniel puts his hand on his pistol's grip, which halts the captain.

Muindis continues to stare. "Y-You're... You're him, aren't you? It was you all along..."

"And, who do you mean by that, Captain?"

"Daniel... The... the one we've been searching for..." He shakes his head. "I... I don't understand..."

"No? Seemed pretty clear to me. Either you're after my weapons, or you're after my life."

"No!" cries out Muindis. He glances around, whispering, "No... Listen, I don't know why... A-Are you... Are you a captive, Daniel?"

"Captive?" Daniel cocks his head. "What gives you that idea?"

"I-... It's a show, right? I-I mean, c'mon. You killed a dragon. If you're still alive... Is Hekate keeping you as a trophy?"

Daniel sighs. "Empress Hekate, mind you. And, no. I'm not a captive. I did what I had to in order to survive. Wasn't particularly easy for me at Fort Peony."

Muindis tries to step forward, but again, Daniel tugs on his pistol, reminding Muindis that they aren't friends or allies right now.

"W-We came to retrieve you. I don't know all of the circumstances, but the Grand Duchess herself dispatched us. She was certain you were still alive when we presented your jacket."

Daniel finds this surprising. I figured someone pieced it together, and Aramellianna would play it safe. But, she figured it out? How?

"How did her Grace determine that I was still alive?"

"Your jacket was too clean for you to have been brutally murdered and fed to goblins."

Huh... That... makes sense, unfortunately. I hadn't thought of that.

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