Chapter 53: Imperial Summons

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It takes three weeks for word to reach Aramellianna's ears of the results of the second mission west to find and retrieve Daniel. Rumors started appearing in the last couple of days, which her subordinates reported to her, but she kept her composure until she received an official report.

Infuriatingly, that report didn't come from any member of the Stalvaltan Guard. Instead, it came from an imperial messenger, representing the Grand Zenkon Empire, the self-proclaimed most powerful empire in the world. While arguably true for the continent, they fare only slightly better against the demon armies than any other lone kingdom, which is why it's so important that the Eastern Alliance, headed by the Empire, stays intact.

As Aramellianna reviews the message she received, it speaks of a joint effort launched from Fort Twilight to assault the Citadel and lay siege. While the plan for the Stalvaltan soldiers was to do virtually the same, there was no way the joint forces could have believed they stood a chance. In fact, a larger force would only simply compound their losses. The hope was to sneak in while ranged magic was used to distract the dragons and any other major threats, retrieve Daniel, and retreat before anyone processes the Stalvaltan troops as a threat.

Now, it seems the joint force suffered a complete and total defeat.

Aramellianna had to read it twice to be sure. Usually, there are cowards, messengers, and even supply units that are able to retreat, or a force will retreat when it becomes clear victory is impossible, usually after only a third of the army has been destroyed.

Instead, 100% of the joint task force have seemingly vanished, indicating that not even messengers were able to return. Then, a message reached Fort Twilight, which the commander relayed to the Empress, rather than to the Grand Duchess, who had commissioned the mission in the first place.

That message came from an alleged 'Empress Hekate Fell Lawson, ruler of the Citadel and the Fievegal'. "So," muses Aramellianna to no one in particular, "Hekate has declared herself an Empress now... Perhaps victory is too easily going to her head." The Grand Duchess sighs, setting the message down. "No. However it's taking place, she and her allies are far beyond our imagining, it seems."

The message is wordy and full of poetic language, but in short, it declares that Hekate captured and imprisoned all of the soldiers that arrived from the east, including the stealth teams, who allegedly tried to harm her friends. From there, Empress Sundenelle of the Grand Zenkon Empire has called for a summit to discuss the new threat.

Aramellianna massages her temples. It's difficult to say if the mission failed because of the additional troops interfering in some way, or if the mission was always going to fail. The real question is; why is the Empress taking an active interest in the kingdom of a newly self-named Empress?

As she's preparing to head out for the summit with her daughters in tow, another messenger arrives... from Fort Peony.

"{Grand Duchess Aramellianna kos Stalvaltan,

This is a formal message in simple code. Your asset has been lost. Your troops are recovering at Fort Peony after we were able to recover them. It seems a wingflame made its way east, but I've received no news of any attacks.

Additionally, I'd like to warn you against any further action against the Citadel and its ruler. Victory is likely not tenable, and for now, the proclaimed Empress Hekate and her dragon allies are not hostile.

Following their recovery, your troops will be released with haste.

Very Respectfully,

Commander Leiwelles kos Morglodston

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