Chapter 54: The Emperor of the Citadel

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Daniel works on aligning the magic crystals made of diamond that he had Xyreko produce, and Hekate charge. She's leaning on his shoulder as he works. Daniel's guessing at the design Wenlianna used to make her anti-dragon weapon, but as a shockwave weapon, it has a middling lethality, depending on the shockwave pressure used. With the right calculations and designs, it can be an effective lethal weapon or non-lethal weapon for defending his friends and family.

And, among the things he thinks she did, he has a single mana crystal placed in the center with a system to drive wind crystals into the mana crystal, creating a large contact surface between several wind crystals, which then create a massive pressure. That wind pressure is then funneled down via a specially crafted Bernoulli design, which creates a concentrated shockwave that moves quickly through the air, but as a pocket of pressure. In simpler terms, it effectively does in air what a pistol shrimp does in the water; it snaps a concentrated pocket of air forward at high pressure, which is comparable to an explosion, minus the fire and wide-area blast.

Xyreko's golems, as well as goblin and ogre henchmen have been diligently recovering the pieces of the airship since the shoot-down, which will allow Daniel and Xyreko to study its design and mimic it, since Wenlianna already achieved success.

Coupled with having his phone again, Daniel will be able to ensure that everyone he cares about will be safe from whatever happens, now that Vaergraes has been excommunicated from the Demon Covenant, and the continuing skirmishes threaten an even greater war, now that the excuse of the Devourer can no longer be used.

Essentially, Wenlianna took the same concept as the jet engine using magic crystals and amplified it to make a weapon, and it proved effective. As far as Daniel knows, dragons are the most formidable beings in the skies, and he's allied with most, if not all of them. If there are other beings or dragons that aren't allied with his companions, he'd like to ensure they have additional means to defend against them.

Of course, Xyreko is also outfitting the Citadel with flak cannons and anti-air machine guns operated by golems, which use the same technology of his own world. No one has attempted to defend against it, since the only ones who have experienced his weapons are now his allies -or are dead-. If anyone does find a way to adequately defend against even his armor piercing weapons, he'll need an alternative that hasn't been experienced.

Hekate sits with her arms draped over Daniel's shoulder and her cheek against his, skillfully being both in his way and out of his way when needed. She's not actually interfering with his work, so he leaves her be, and she's helpful with her ability to use magic.

"Daniel, we... are staying out of the war, right?"

"As much as possible, yes. Why, do you want to get involved?"

She shakes her head. "No. I was just curious, since this looks like a weapon."

"Unfortunately, I don't want to chance someone trying to drag us into the war. There's a weapon my world had in early stages that I think I can replicate, and it'll use a similar design to Wenlianna's weapon."

Hekate pouts a little, laying her ears flat, which causes her right ear to lay against Daniel's head. He pivots his head a little to try to look at her, but she's effectively behind him. "What is it?" asks Daniel gently.

"You still like that woman..."

Daniel sighs, but Hekate continues. "She's pretty, and she's smart, and she treated you nicely..."

"Hekate, who is sitting here next to me helping me now?"

She flicks her ears. "I-I am..."

"Right. And, who taught herself magic spells few others can use?"

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