Chapter 20: The Interrupted Assassination

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Daniel was brought to this world by surprise. He was born and grew up on Earth, but through a strange magical ritual, he appeared in a world that seemed to have been spawned from the imaginings of a fantasy writer. However, he was delivered into the world without the expected benefits being summoned is supposed to provide. He doesn't even have magic, which is a part of nature in the world he's in now.

He has stayed afloat using his knowledge of modern troubleshooting and repair techniques, as well as several modern technologies that didn't exist prior to him, and which he could find ways to develop.

And now, he's lying on the floor of one of his fellow personnel on the fort blocking one of the few ways through the mountains separating the demons from the Allied Kingdoms. If it stopped there, it would just be another day in the military for him.

Of course, this comrade is a gatonine woman who, until very recently, vehemently expressed disgust for his very existence. Yet, the story gets stranger, were Daniel telling the story.

They managed to get Gwenesphia to sleep on Treia's bed, and Treia had intended to keep watch or simply relax, since she's a night shift watchstander and would normally be awake when Daniel and Gwenesphia are asleep.

Instead, Treia is the one laying against Daniel's chest, fast asleep. She had a good cry after seeing her memory crystal device repaired, and even Gwenesphia remarked on how clear and smooth the voices were. Daniel suspects that Treia's sonic crystal was broken long before she dropped it, and it was working because it was still conductive. During his repairs, Daniel also cushioned the crystal so it wouldn't rattle or buzz against the metals of the frame. Given that another person remarked on it, Daniel suspects that everyone simply accepts the hollow sound of voices recorded, like old recordings on vinyl records.

Daniel shifts a little, and Treia stirs. She opens her eyes, noticing Daniel looking at her. She instantly sits up with a tense posture. "D-Daniel! G-Good morning. I was... This wasn't what you think..."

Daniel sighs. "I don't think anything. Thanks for sheltering me."

She blushes, asking, "W-Wh-Wh-...?"

"Your room?"

She flinches. "Oh! R-Right. Of course." She looks away, saying softly, "I promised to repay you. I will."

"Right, right. I know." He climbs to his feet, stretching. Gwenesphia is fast asleep, and she looks exactly like one would expect, given her biological state at the moment. Her tail is flipping slowly back and forth, drawing attention to the posture she's sleeping in.

Daniel asks, "Will she be alright?"

Treia confirms softly. "Yes. It's a natural cycle we go through. She can still function. She just gets dulled senses in the presence of a man. Particularly one she has affection for." She crosses her arms. "I hope I don't have to explain further."

"I got it. Thank you. Do you mind watching over her? I'll make my way out first so no one catches me leaving your room."

She replies with a gentle nod. "A-alright. I agree."

Daniel heads for the door, putting his boots on. However, as he reaches for the door, a small tug pulls at his shirt's back. He looks, and Treia averts her eyes. "Listen... B-Be careful... I don't know if anyone else is part of it."

"Thank you, Treia. I'm sorry for causing you worry."

She whirls, looking away. "I'm not concerned about YOU! I just... You're an important asset, since you can fix magic devices. It'd be stupid to let you get hurt-KILLED-. To let you get killed, is what I meant."

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