Chapter 51: The Siege of the Citadel Part 3

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Though she's the shortest one present, the self-proclaimed Empress Hekate, ruler of the Citadel, seems to tower over all with her imposing magic aura, amplified all the more by the fact that one of the winged maidens that arrived just prior to Hekate cast a spell that was able to nullify everyone's mana.

Muindis glances around with his eyes, trying to think. "Empress Hekate... I'm afraid I was given orders to retrieve Daniel, regardless of what you said last time."

Hekate's smirk hardens into a glare. "So, you don't believe me? Should I feed YOU to goblins, next?"

Muindis can feel his heart racing as he tries to think. "I heard from Lady Shek, was it? She said goblins don't eat people."

"No. Shek doesn't eat people. Goblins tried to eat me when I was working to conquer this place. I've eaten goblins." She shivers. "Absolutely disgusting. Then, I met Da-Darling." She gives Muindis a strong point with her finger. "I think you're after Daniel's weapons. But, you know what they say; 'To the victor go the spoils'. I defeated him, I claimed him and his weapons. If you want them, you'll have to defeat me." She snaps her fingers, and seemingly from the walls, dozens of golems appear, each armed with a long staff sharing many similarities to the strange weapon the knight is wielding. Muindis can feel his body draining of strength.

"Oh, and my entire army," adds Hekate mockingly. "I told you I just want to be left alone, didn't I? Me and Darling... and his mistresses, I guess. Daniel is nothing but bones." She crosses her arms, looking down on Muindis. "Now then, I think it's about time you lot surrender, and I'll consider sending you home one last time."

Muindis swallows hard. To fail twice in so short a time would bring great disgrace upon him and his soldiers.

However, they don't stand a chance against so many golems armed with Daniel's weapons. If anything, it's better to return and report back to Aramellianna about the extreme danger presented by Hekate and her forces.


Muindis sighs, bowing on the ground. "Please, your majesty. Forgive us."

Hekate thinks for a moment. Suddenly she perks up. "Da-Darling, do you think Xyreko can do that thing to all of these guys? The same as with you know who?" She looks at Ryuogriar to make her point, and the dragon cocks her head. "Beg pardon, your Majesty?"

Hekate points at her own chest a couple of times, and Ryuogriar makes the connection, straightening into her regal posture once more. Hekate notices Geirahoel standing almost against Daniel's shoulder as he observes silently. Her eye twitches, but she can't have an outburst in front of enemies. She'll give Geirahoel an earful later.


"If that is your solution, your Greatness, I have to agree."

She nods contentedly. "Very well." She faces Muindis, the invader that came before and asked to have Daniel handed over to him. "You will be given two options. The first and easiest option for me is to stuff you all into cells and forget about you until you die or get eaten by goblins. Whichever one comes first. The second option is for you to agree to contract magic. A contract magic that if you even cross into my territory again, you'll... die. Instantly. And painfully." She raspberries her tongue in a taunting sound implying an unceremonious demise. She does remember to add the benefits as well, though. "Obviously, all you'll have to do is stay out of my territory and forget all about Daniel and this place, and you can see your families again, hold your children, make love to your wives or husbands, and live long and prosperous lives." She puts her hands on her hips, becoming haughty again. "I'm quite merciful and gracious, aren't I? Here I am, denied children by the man I love, and I'm willing to let you all return to yours, or so that you can have them." She leans over Muindis, who flinches back a little. "I could add that into the contract, too. That, if you have children, you'll die. Wouldn't that be amusing?" She laughs mockingly, like a spoiled villainess.

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