Chapter 64.2: Bonus Chapter: Hekate and the Dragon's Hoard Part 2

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Where am I? What was I doing?

Her voice sounds strange to her. Is it younger? Older? Is it near? Far? Whatever traits it has, it sounds alien to her, even though she knows it's her own voice. It was even her thoughts.


She is startled by the suddenness of a terrifying noise, but she quickly calms herself.

I know that sound. Why am I still afraid of it? It's... Wait... What... What is it?

She looks around, but she can't make sense of where she is. She feels lost. Trapped.

The air is squeezing in on her. Her breaths are weak and barely able to keep her awake.

Her body is sore, and the bite of hunger chews at her from the inside.

Far away, a flash of light makes it seem like the sun is rising, until a terrifying mushroom larger than the largest trees grows into the sky in an instant, burning with the immense heat of pure fire.

She can't help but tremble in fear at the unmatchable power of what she's seeing.

No, wait! I... I don't have to be afraid. B-Because... Because... I... I know I don't... But, why?

It's then that she finally sees him. It all becomes clear again; the strange human from another world.

The Feldrok Sorcerer.

The Harbinger of Calamity.

Daniel Alexander Lawson, a regular human from Earth without a single bit of magic.

Daniel! That's why! He saved me! Those are his things; his weapons. It's his power, and he uses it to protect me because he loves me! And, I love him! I never want to be apart from him!

She calls out to him, "Daniel! Daniel, over here!"

When he looks at her, she feels cold in an instant. Rather than recognition, the worst possible expression that could be directed towards her is what he is showing now.


"What are you?" retorts the human as if gazing upon excrement.

"I-It's me!" Still, her voice sounds different, but she doesn't know how or why. She only knows that something seems off about it. "We're friends! Lovers! I-I'm your wife!"

But, his reply feels like a knife to her heart.

"I would never be friends with a disgusting creature like you," replies Daniel with the coldest tone she has ever heard from him. It is nearly enough to freeze her heart solid, and pain stabs into her chest. She can feel tears forming in her eyes. The end of his thought solidifies the horror of the moment, "... let alone be married to you. You're the ugliest thing I have ever seen."

The tears start to flow from her eyes, and she whimpers, "B-B-But, y-y-you said... you loved me. You promised to stay by my side..."

"Apparently, that was before I knew you were this disgusting beast."

She flinches, stumbling back. Her steps feel strange, and her body feels clumsy. She looks down at her hands to begin crying, and she freezes in terror.

She doesn't have hands.

She has claws.

Black, furry claws with sharp, obsidian cone-like spikes protruding from her fingers.

When she looks up again at where Daniel should be, she instead sees a shadowy black monster that moves exactly as she moves, and her heart completely stops at the realization that it's her reflection.

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