Chapter 66: Reforged Bonds

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Erimaya paces her room as she desperately tries to think. Rikuto has begun gathering all of the magic artisans who are citizens of Mornistae and the vassal territories, as well as any scholars and mages. He has become distant and distressed, gearing up for a more direct offensive, as if the war with the demons is an afterthought.

She wants to warn Hekate, since Hekate believes that Mornistae will be on neutral or friendly terms with her thanks to her efforts to protect Erimaya and see her home unmolested.

Suddenly, an idea hits her.

She looks around. She picks her sheet up, and she casts it across her room. She tries to look, but nothing stands out. She picks it up again, and then does the same thing several more times. Still, she sees nothing out of place.

She looks around, whispering, "Lady Xyreko. Please, if you're there, I need to talk to you."

The door opens, and her guard, Phingoen, peeks his head inside. "Did you say something, Princess?"

She shakes her head. "No. Just talking to myself."

"Very well." He retreats behind the door, and she sighs.

She whispers as quietly as she can, "Please, Xyreko..."

When she turns, she nearly screams. Towering over her is the imposing form of a suit of metal armor, but one not occupied by a living body. It's not Xyreko herself, but one of her golems, staff and all.

Erimaya covers her own mouth, narrowly hiding her gasp from reaching the guards on the other side of her door. She looks around, thinking desperately. She trots to her desk, quickly penning a note. She holds it up for the golem, which stares at the note with no indication of its thoughts.

"[Please tell Hekate and Daniel that Rikuto is afraid of Daniel's god-killer.]"

The golem cocks its head, but it nods.

However, nothing happens. "A-Are... you going to go?"

The golem puts a finger to where its mouth would be, and she cocks her head. "But, you can't waste time!"

The door opens again, "Princess?" She gasps, but when she looks, the golem is gone. She looks at Phingoen again. "Y-Yes?"

"Heralesse is here to see you."

Erimaya is flustered, but she shakes her head. "No."

"Eri!" Heralesse squeezes past the guard, and Erimaya huffs in anger. She walks away from her elder sister, who doesn't pursue her, since they're still in Erimaya's room. "Eri, listen..."

"No! None of you trust me! Hekate and Daniel are good people! If you saw what I saw, you'd worship them!"

Heralesse is quiet for a moment, and Erimaya snaps, "You two exiled him and treated him like an enemy when all he did was save my life. I'm very happy to be alive. I want to serve my homeland. I was trying to ensure Daniel was safe and harbored no ill-will."


"No! If you and your fiance continue, you'll make him our enemy. All he does is help! You're the blind ones who can't see it!"

"I know..."

Just as Erimaya is about to continue her rant, she halts. "What?"

"I-... I know... We should have stood up for Daniel... Most of the nobles we tried to appease either proved to be traitors or sold us out while we were dealing with Bromlund. They... even tried to assassinate you..."


"I... just found out myself... Aramellianna found information that they tried to get rid of you... to force Mother and Father to restore my betrothal to Zorenwein Junior."

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