Chapter 33: The Mechanic Meets the Queen of Demons

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The Uhl'tall are a race of beautiful humanoids with dual-color skin, patterned with markings that are often considered the markings of the evil gods or divine specters, but in actuality, are just the natural patterns that form on their skin.

Vaergraes, the 'Demon Queen', is actually a Shrine Priestess for the Uhl'tall, a sort of holy woman in tune with the magic of the world. While that doesn't mean she is a goddess of magic by any means, she is considered among the most powerful in the world, thanks to her carefully curated bloodline.

Her horns are modest and accentuate her silvery-violet hair, and her face is a pretty blend of creamy grey and bronze, looking somewhat like a latte with cream swirls at a glance. Her eyes have pupils shaped like a soft four-pointed star, and bright, amber irises.

She lands her wyvern on the flyway, where moments ago, a dragon's corpse was lying. Just as suddenly, it has vanished.

She doesn't dare let her mind wander without cause, though. It was no illusion. She felt every one of the dragons and their respective magic vanish. Not all of them are dead. And, with revival potations... The Queen herself only has a couple at her disposal, so it'll come down to a choice. But, first, she needs to know who and what she's up against.

She walks the flyway with the wyvern, and it crawls awkwardly, nervously glancing around. She does her best to calm it without magic, but she is forced to use hypnosis spells to keep it calm. After all, the Citadel is a place of death. It has been for centuries. The only creatures that resided there for the longest time were monsters that unwittingly hid within its structure and small creatures too small to be chased out by the feral Feldrok.

With that, it is eerily quiet. There is almost no mana present, save what is locked within the walls of the Citadel, and what resides in the dragons and one other strange being.

She enters into the dim lighting of the interior, which is lit to a cool blue color that would be difficult for a human to see in, as far as she knows. But, she only heard rumors that the Feldrok Sorcerer is a human.

And, that is when their eyes meet. Sitting casually in a chair in the middle of the massive room, unfitting the relative sizes, is what appears to be nothing more than a human man, cradling his terrible staff across his arms. Behind him stands a girl with big, triangular fox-like ears and a massive bushy black...

Vaergraes nearly stumbles. The girl possesses a massive amount of mana and magic power. It wouldn't be unreasonable to assume her own aura is drowning out the human's. However, she also knows the human emits no presence in the realm of magic.

Vaergraes turns and pets her wyvern, cooing, "{Stay, stay. Good boy.}" She then approaches a little closer to the feldrok girl and the sorcerer she is standing behind. The Demon Queen sinks to a kneel, and then a bow on the ground.

This seems to surprise the human, as it's audible in his tone. "Excuse me. Do you speak Imperial Common? Uh... Eastern common?"

The Demon Queen confirms with a nod. "Yes. I can speak all shared languages, as well as Higher demon and draconic. I... am afraid I only know words of the Feldrok language, though."

"Imperial Common is fine. Please, raise your head."
She looks up at him, lifting only her head, and he sighs. "Alright. I deserve that. Sit or stand up. I just want to talk."

This surprises Vaergraes. She asks softly as she cautiously rises to sit on her calves, "Do... you know who I am?"

"An Uhl'tall ruler, colloquially known as the Demon Queen, yes?"

She is stunned for a long time.

"Is that not correct?"

"N-No! No, I MEAN YES! Yes, you're correct, but I'm surprised. Most refer to us as higher demons."

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