Chapter 37: The Treasure of Doom Part 2

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Daniel himself can't use magic, but there is magic equipment he can manage to utilize, specifically as long as he's wearing his gloves. And, although he has seen a fair amount of magic spells and equipment since his arrival in this new world, some spells are truly impressive to watch.

He placed a small chunk of iron on the source circle, and then activated the alchemy circle, as he chooses to refer to it in his mind. It's a magic circle in the Citadel's manufacturing area that can summon any material he wants, as well as magically convert one substance to another.

With Xyreko's help, they performed some math and research on the magic circle to attempt to create uranium. Specifically, uranium 235.

The spell device is generating tons of light as it projects magic on the circle, and mist rolls off of the circle and around Daniel's boots as he watches cautiously.

When the light fades, power suddenly drops out around the alchemy circle. Daniel looks around. Again, he forgot that the lights in the Citadel are powered by magic.

He sighs, cautiously using his memory and moving slowly to find the edge of the circle. He crawls forward, feeling for his prize. He finds a rounded rectangular ingot, one that weighs this world's 'ten pounds', which he's pretty sure is around seven and a half Earth pounds. He had to use what he's pretty sure his own weight was compared to what they claim his weight to be, and he has no way of knowing how accurate it is, since it has been a while since he weighed himself when he was still on Earth, let alone when he had a chance in this world.

Regardless, it's probably close enough, and it won't really affect how he moves forward.

Daniel carries the ingot, following the residual light from further away stations, finding the exit cautiously. Xyreko prepared the area and his path in hopes that work won't be interrupted. But, they both forgot to ensure he had a torch ready.

Daniel walks the long walk to find an access to the outside, using the sunlight once he walks out onto one of the castle's side turrets. He recoils against the bright sunlight, realizing that he hasn't been outside much in the last few weeks. He studies the ingot in his hand, smiling at the silvery-white metal. He exposes it to another one of the films from his pocket, keeping part of it covered with his fingers as well. Sure enough, the film discolors. When he moves his fingers, it's still untouched. Daniel takes a breath and sighs.

I don't want to make two, but I really should test it, shouldn't I?

Daniel looks out over the turret. He's pretty high up in the Citadel on the floor he's on, and he can see for miles in most directions.

Other than isolated incidents, this world is peaceful. It's quiet. Much of nature is untouched and undisturbed. Monsters still roam the world in their natural forms. Earth had people who believed that the Earth was discovered by aliens and the human population descended or otherwise cultivated by those aliens, and Daniel suddenly has a thought about himself as the alien, wiping out this world's equivalent of dinosaurs with the technology he could bring over.

True, there are powerful magic entities that could match or exceed anything he could do, so if that were to happen, it could have already.

If he wants to stop this Devourer, he has to hit it with something not from this world. By the sounds of it, Vaergraes has tried everything available to her with magic and attack power, much of which only exacerbated the problem. The Devourer does just that; it devours magic and bodies of the slain. Both he and Xyreko are pretty sure it was once a feldrok, though something caused it to become a world-eating monster slowly consuming this world.

If I make only one, and it fails, will I have a second chance? Will it develop some sort of resistance to the blast?

Daniel looks at the ingot in his hand, holding it up to frame it against the horizon of the world where the weapon he is pondering making doesn't exist.

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