Chapter 69: Battle for the Plains Part 2

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~Author's Note: Hey Dear Readers! I just wanted to let you know that, if you haven't already seen them, I added 4 new bonus chapters, 64.1, 64.2, 64.3, and 64.4. They should be in sequence right after 64 and before 65, and since I JUST finished writing them on the 7th, several chapters after 65 may obviously hide them. I'm not too sure how Wattpad's system is with out-of-order updates and the notifications (though, the notifications, I do know to be rather clunky at times).

Anyways, if you haven't read the bonus chapters of "Hekate and the Dragon's Hoard" parts 1-4, I hope you'll go back and read them. They were written long after I wrote even this chapter 69, so there shouldn't be anything crucial to the story for now, but will help flesh out Hekate a bit more and set up some future things.

Thank you again for all of the support, and I'll shut up now so you can get on with this chapter! Hahaha!~


Shek walks through the outer village of the Citadel's castle town carrying a basket of wheat, fruits, and potatoes that she traded for. She has been practicing making food thanks to Xyreko, and Xyreko gave her a new recipe to try.

Skloe, carrying her own basket, says warmly in their shared goblin language, "[Shek, do you worry that we don't speak good?]"

"[What do you mean?]"

"[Everyone else... always sounds so smart. What if they don't like us?]"

Shek smiles softly. "[We only need to worry about Ma-... Mmm... Daniel understanding. But... I suppose you're right. But, how do we get better?]"

"[M-Maybe we can ask Xyreko?]"

Shek nods in agreement. "[Yes! She's teaching me to cook, so hopefully she can teach us to talk better, like proper goblin queens.]"

Skloe nods in agreement excitedly.

They both come to a stop when Shek, specifically, notices something. She jogs towards the thing she noticed, and she finds footprints. Specifically, they are boot prints. Daniel does visit the town, and he's very popular with everyone because he's very generous with his time, magic devices, and he's respectful of all races, as if there are no different races.

Such being the case, these boot prints look smaller than Daniel's, and some of them are even half the size, similar to how dattakoriens or gatonines walk like they're on their tiptoes. It's just how they walk, and it affords them great dexterity and stealth, but can affect their traction. Or, so Treia has explained when Shek asked.

Seeing the boot prints takes Shek back to when she was captured in order to guide enemy soldiers to Daniel.

Skloe asks, "[What's wrong?]"

"[Daniel's in trouble! We have to tell someone! Enemies have snuck in!]"

Shek and Skloe jog as quickly as their heavily-pregnant bellies will allow towards the south donation podium where the residents donate mana once a week to supply the Citadel with magic power. Everybody has assigned days so that only a portion of the residents are exhausted of mana at any given time.

They find Balamae, the 'Mana Guide', who is one of the intelligent golems of the Citadel, like Xyreko. They approach Balamae as she's helping one of the elderly ogres make his mana donation. Before the Citadel, he likely wouldn't last much longer, since an ogre too weak to hunt or fight is usually left behind... or becomes food.

But, Shek has to inform someone important. "Balamae! Balamae! Shek have important to say!"

Balamae looks, "Oh! Queen Shek, Queen Skloe; one moment."

"No! Please listen!" cries out Skloe.

"Shek see boot prints! Enemies! Daniel need!"

Balamae cocks her head, and the ogre looks at her, and then the goblins. "Please, help the little ones. I am in no rush."

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