Chapter 31: Master of the Citadel

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Daniel inspects the many control functions of the ancient Feldrok castle known to all of demon kin as 'The Citadel'. Standing as a testament of time passing, the Citadel was in a state of disrepair for as long as almost anyone can remember, but it was unapproachable to anyone wanting to conquer its riches for themselves.

Lurking in the shadowy halls of the massive castle was a lone Feldrok, feral from being raised by the wild, in spite of its immense power, and thus, it laid claim to the Citadel as its territory, and it couldn't be defeated, even by the full might of the dragons who brought the Citadel low originally.

However, a strange human sorcerer that possesses no obvious magic of his own was able to strike down the feral Feldrok with three quick spells from his unique staff of the thunder god.

As Daniel operates the control panel for the ancient magical and technologically advanced castle, having laughed off the Caretaker's remark that he's a natural in spite of being human, the Caretaker golem states out of the blue. "How very strange, Master..."

"What is?"

"Forgive me for doing so, but indeed, I can detect no inherent mana in your body. All layers of analysis have revealed there is no masking or deceit spells. The only alternative is that you are even more powerful than the builders of this place."

Daniel chuckles again. "Occam's Razor."

"Ock... hawm?"

"Occam. 'Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity'. Or, informally said, 'Often times, the simplest answer is the right answer'. Unless I'm wrong as well, I have no magic of my own. No mana in my body, and no ability to react to spells, which includes beneficial or detrimental spells."

"How fascinating. I would think that would be an impossibility."

Daniel hesitates again, and Hekate looks at him. He glances at her, and then looks down. After a moment of thought, he looks at the Caretaker. "Before I explain myself, can I ask you why the Citadel accepts me if I have no magic?"

"Wisdom beyond my own, though now, making total sense, it seems. My original masters wanted the Citadel to never cease to exist, even if all of them died out. In their nigh-infinite wisdom, they made the decision to ensure that I would be here to guide any new residents, should the worst come to pass. I often wondered why that function was not contingent on mana. Now I know."

Daniel ponders as well. "I see... Then, I suppose it's my turn." He looks at Hekate specifically, saying gently. "I'm not from this world. I was summoned here by magic. For reasons I don't know, I arrived here without mana, even though the person summoned with me did arrive with mana. That is why my weapons don't belong here. And, why they are a threat to the denizens of this world."

Hekate stares at him for a long time silently. The Caretaker speaks casually, "I see. Yes, such spells are mentioned in the archives. I'll try to find them for your reference, Master. My units are currently conquering the current floor. It will still be some time."

Daniel acknowledges the answer with a nod. "Thank you. I haven't held my breath that it's possible, but I have been curious since arriving in this world if it's possible for me to return."

Hekate gasps and jumps up, clutching his shirt. She shouts, "NO! DANIEL NO!"

He chuckles, petting her head. "I didn't say I'd leave. I didn't have really anything to lose, other than some luxuries I haven't missed as much as I thought I would. But, it would be nice to know if it's possible. The man who arrived with me may have desires to return home, if possible."

"Do you know this other summon, Master?"

"I didn't prior to our arrival. We're friendly, though a political situation is how I ended up all the way out here. Never thought I'd be a ruler of a castle."

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