Chapter 64: The Mechanic and The Student

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Ryuogriar and Reignleif use summoned wind to collect the dark magic unleashed by the dragon that ambushed Daniel and his team in the old dragon's keep. It was an attack meant to kill Daniel in a desperate last breath, but failed due to the legendary sword Nemaisol. Once the black fog of death is collected into one place, Xyreko is able to neutralize the poison. Meanwhile, her golems verify the area is clear of the curse that had been afflicting the dragons by spraying the inoculation around the area, generating a new fog in the hallway. Geirahoel is all but attached to the golem closest to Daniel as it works its way up the hall. She fidgets with her hands impatiently as it clears the area in order to play it safe. As soon as Xyreko gives a slight nod of approval, the young orange dragon darts in front of Daniel, eyes watering as she stares into his eyes.


That's all Daniel can say before she throws herself into a hug. "How could you!? I hate this! I hate being so scared!"

"I'm sorry. I thought I could have finished him." Daniel looks at the dragon ambusher, who has lost all of his strength after using the deadly corrosive breath. He adds, "I'm kinda glad I missed."

Geirahoel glares at the dragon as Ryuogriar and Reignleif fly close to them, landing and crowding around Daniel as well. "Yes. Just because he was a feldrok student, that does not excuse his behavior, Mukori. You must remember that you are an important person now. Transgressions against you should not be so easily forgiven."

"He wasn't here to kill me, and he had no idea who I was. Please, let's hear him out."

The dragon sighs softly. "Not only did you defeat Morthybargaron, but you claimed his harem."

"I..." starts Daniel before he's cut off.

"That is correct," states Ryuogriar proudly. Reignleif nods, "He is our new lord and emperor, and we are his empresses."

Geirahoel refuses to let go of Daniel, and she doesn't acknowledge the other dragon.

Daniel sighs. "Only these three. The rest don't care for me much, but we stay out of each other's way."

"I see... You have heard my story, and without knowing it, you have avenged me. I can go in peace."

"Gladly," snarls Geirahoel as she begins to charge mana to her palm. Daniel tugs her arm down, hugging her to restrain her as she whines. "Mukori! He hurt you! He hurt our friends!"

"I know. I'd rather make him repay us," replies Daniel gently. He looks at the dragon, who cocks his head slightly, still too weak to really move. "You would keep me alive?"

"That depends. My condition is that you have to agree to the contract until I can trust you. Then, I'll consider removing it. But, we're not enemies, right?"

"No. Had I not been able to open my mind to the world, I would never have been strong enough to destroy Morthybargaron. Perhaps I'm still not."

"Mukori killed him in one blow," replies Reignleif bluntly. She adds as she rubs her distended belly, "And, Mukori has given us each two eggs since. One of each is his own." She looks at Daniel affectionately, and he smiles.

Daniel adds to the dragon, "I can't overlook your attack, and Hekate won't likely forgive you very easily, but no one died."

"Speak for yourself," replies Xyreko dryly. "I lost two golems trying to return, only for them to instantly dissolve."

"Thank you, Xyreko, and I'm sorry."

She nods. "I would like this one to catalog all of the spells he learned in his worldly travels in payment."

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