Chapter 17: The Strange Occurrences Around Fort Peony

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A week has passed. The Fort nicknamed 'the Flower Garden' rests at the northernmost valleyway through the treacherous mountains dividing the known world. Fort Peony is almost entirely manned by women of many of the allied races, all tried and tested warriors in their own right, though this post serves political and ceremonial purposes more than combat. Its difficult terrain on both sides limits the advancement of troops, making it the relatively safest 'Frontline' fortress in the world.

It also happens to be the place to which an otherworldly stranger was banished from his kingdom; a relatively disposable body meant for the machine of war. His alleged crime makes him lower than scum to many of the personnel on base, but his personality doesn't match the crime at all. The irony of those claiming he must like men due to avoiding the women most of the time is lost on most.

And, since heading into the demon wildlands a week ago, he hasn't returned.

Treia watches the forest ahead, feeling guilty that she never got to the truth she knows is hidden. He disappeared after it was revealed that he repaired the magic devices around the base. She has mixed feelings, since she knows what was said about him, but knowing in spite of that, he made things better for everyone is difficult to reconcile.

A handful of bodies emerge from the woods in formation, and Gwen twitches, quickly losing the spark of hope. It's one of the returning recon teams, who've been deployed for over a month. Treia approaches the gate, and the leader calls out, "Recon Team Sable, returning from recon. Eight individuals." She names off her subordinates, and the watchstander compares them to the recon log's departures.

"Confirmed. Open the gate." The gate is opened, and Treia replies with her diplomatic smile, "Welcome home, Sable." Even though it's past curfew, recon teams are the exception, and she only casually glances to make sure the returning recon team members all look familiar, which they do.

"Thanks." The soldiers walk past, but the leader, Urihove, lingers behind. "Sergeant, can you tell me if anyone reported any attacks in the controlled zone?"

"Attacks?" asks Treia confused. "No, why?"

"We saw signs of a scuffle during our return, near the cliffs overlooking the river. Someone or something went over the ledge."

"Oh... No, no one reported..." Treia trails off. Her thoughts begin to race. However, outwardly, she can't prove anything. And, she's not so sure she wants to. "We did have a report of a boar attack, but I assumed that wasn't what you were saying."

"No. There were no signs of an animal present."

"Oh... Uh,... I'll log the report and begin warning anyone exiting. Any idea... Any signs of who attacked who? Class of demon to watch out for?"

Urihove glances around briefly. She replies quietly, "I'm not sure, but it looked like two sets of boots; someone big and someone small. Prints were too faded to determine race."

Treia nods as she digests the information, feeling an itch in the back of her mind. "Very well. I'll put out warnings to the watchstanders and anyone passing through. Please report to your supervisor."

"Thanks. I'll do that right away. I'll take my leave." She makes her way into the base, and Treia leans against the wall.

I knew it! He was biding his time... So where is he?

After her watch, Treia meets up with Bellstram, who is headed to the baths as well. "Hey, Bellstram! How's your shoulder feeling?"

"My what? OH! Fine. It was a much lower impact than I thought. Just bruised from landing hard on the dirt."

"That's good." Treia glances around as they walk towards the bathhouse. Why Bellstram wanted to hide it, she's not sure, but she whispers, "Recon returned a little while ago. They might've picked up Daniel's trail without knowing it."

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