Chapter 36: The Treasure of Doom

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Daniel changes the coloring of his armor to match his outfit; a deep reddish brown for the top, dark grey pants, and black boots, and he carries his new rifle with him, as well as the sword.

Xyreko asks as they walk to the prison cell containing the blue dragon, "Master, did you attempt to draw the sword?"

"I thought you could see everything in the castle."

"I can, but... Would you... for me now?"

He has no reason to object, so he draws the sword and shows it to her. "Why? Should I not have been able to?"

Xyreko suddenly looks ahead. She says nothing as she walks alongside him.

"Wait... You didn't expect me to be able to draw it?"

She glances at him, and then looks ahead again. "Master, I am happy to have met you."

"What is this sword? Is it cursed?"

"No! Of course not, Master! It's a very special sword."

Ryuogriar is waiting outside of the cell as she sees Daniel casually swinging the sword. "It feels normal."

The white dragon in humanoid form remarks in shock, "That sword... Isn't that... Nemaisol?" She looks at Xyreko, and then back at Daniel, who frowns. He glares at Xyreko. "Xyreko?"

The golem says in a deflective tone, "Master, we have arrived."

"Xyreko, answer me. What is this sword?"

Ryuogriar answers when Xyreko remains silent. "That sword... is said to be a legendary sword. No one in the world now could wield it, but its original wielder defeated an out of control Uhl'tall dictator thousands of years ago..." She gingerly touches the sword, recoiling when it shocks her. She gasps, and Daniel inspects the sword. "Sorry! Are you okay, Ryuo?"

She nods, nursing her hand. "It wasn't bad, but... It truly is Nemaisol."

Daniel looks at Xyreko, who finally states, "I wasn't alive when it was forged, of course, but it has remained a mystery. Many legends linger about the sword, but no one could hold it. No one but you, Master." She adds tenderly, "You are this generation's god-chosen hero."

Daniel cocks his head. It's a concept from fictional stories of his world, but usually, that requires actually being spoken to by some divine being and told all of this. He finally retorts, "I doubt it. You're a scientist, Xyreko. I think you know what I suspect."

"And, what is that?" asks Xyreko with amusement in her voice.

"That this sword somehow reacts negatively to magic."

Ryuogriar cocks her head in surprise. She, too, looks at Xyreko for answers.

The golem replies, "I had suspicions that, if anyone would get a different reaction from the sword, it would be you, Master. Though, I have yet to figure out the exact mechanism as to why."

Daniel sighs. "I believe you. Why not tell me, though?"

"I was curious, and this was more fun. I also didn't expect you to figure it out so quickly."

Daniel smirks at her. "I see. Fair enough." He then looks at Ryuogriar, sheathing the sword, "Any indications that Lady Blue will object?"

She shakes her head. "No. I am confident she will agree to your terms. She might be afraid of you, though."

Daniel can't argue that. "Try to convince her to stay calm. She doesn't have to trust us, but she needs to stay calm."

Ryuogriar agrees confidently. "I shall ensure it, Daniel." She looks around, asking, "Will... Lady Hekate be joining us?"

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