Chapter 60.1: Bonus Chapter: Drinking Party

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~Author's Note: Hey Dear Readers! I wrote this chapter as a bonus as thanks for all the continued support! And, I had a spur of the moment inspiration for a scene, so here it is! I hope you enjoy!
Plus, I'll be releasing a triple chapter drop today, so I hope you'll continue to enjoy my story! Thank you all for all of the continued support!~


During dinner after making early preparations for the mission to go to the Dragon's keep, Aramellianna speaks up. "Your Grace Daniel, if I may."

"Yes, your Grace?" replies Daniel.

"You once spoke to me about a poison that you intentionally drink, and Wenlianna was unsure how to finish the batch you started."

Daniel chuckles. "Ah. Yes, that. As it turns out, I've just about perfected the one I liked to drink back home, as well as a couple of wines."

"Wines?" asks Bunnrimae curiously.

Daniel nods as several of the women in Daniel's inner circle perk up. "The wine isn't quite as good as if it were properly aged, but one of the batches is fairly smooth, so I think everyone here will like it."

Hekate immediately jumps up, shouting, "Xyreko! Bring them now!" She flinches when Daniel's hand plops down on her head. "D-Daniel?"

"I know you'll fight me, so I'll jump straight to the compromise. You may taste them, but you are not allowed to drink."

"Wh-What!? Why not!?"

"You're too young."


"I trust you, Hekate. It was illegal entirely in my home country until twenty one years old. But, many countries allow younger people to try it with responsible adults moderating them because encouraging mature habits with alcohol is just as important as waiting until you're old enough." She's still downtrodden, so Daniel comforts her. "Hekate, look around you. Of the girls over whom I have say, you're the only one who is too young. That means, another Hekate privilege is that you'll be sharing my glass."

She perks up. "R-Really?"

Daniel nods. It's the least he can do, since he knows it'll make her happy. Hekate sits back in her seat triumphantly. "Very well."

The human mechanic then adds, "I'll do my best to watch over everyone, but Xyreko has also been briefed. If we cut anyone off, it's for your safety. Please understand."

Everyone agrees, and Xyreko brings in a handful of golems with four carts. On the leading one are the glass bottles with a fairly dark brown liquid inside. They have a label that depicts some sort of hand-drawn round-headed creature with big eyes and multiple tentacle arms. It reminds Aramellianna of the legends of the 'Strylak', though the head very much does not resemble the artistic drawings of the Strylak. There are also tiny glass cups accompanying the drink, barely enough for a single sip.

Daniel explains, "The first one is as close to my favorite rum as possible, so I honored it with a drawing of my own so I don't lose track of the bottles. It's a very strong alcohol, so definitely use caution."

Behind the rum cart are another three each with a large wooden barrel with a simple valve already tapped into one of the flat faces of the 'top', though it is perched on its side.

"Each of these three barrels represent a different batch of red wine made using the grapes I could get a hold of. I've got a vineyard going to start cultivating, but from my memory, the blue-band barrel equates pretty closely to a fairly mild cabernet, the red-band is pretty close to a shiraz, and the green-band I haven't figured out yet. But, the green-band is the smoothest, so it should be the one we start with to let you try it."

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