Chapter 13: Road to the End of the World Part 2

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"Chaos?" asks Daniel as the guards let him out so they can make camp. When they had first approached the kingdom of Bromlund, there were rumors of unrest, which prompted his escort to make a detour. There wasn't a crucial rush on them arriving at a specific time, so a delay won't be noticed unless he never arrives.

However, as the guards just mentioned, they're way off course now thanks to that unrest, which, as their most recent town indicates, has descended into much more than unrest.

The elder guard nods as he replies, "That's what we heard in town. Apparently, merchants are fleeing Bromlund in droves, and it's gotten so bad the border's been completely closed."

The younger guard, who usually helps Daniel with the tents, scoffs. "Good thing we didn't end up crossing the border then. Good call, Sergeant."

The elder guard agrees warmly, "Couldn't agree more. Apparently, the kingdom tried to raise their taxes, which only made things worse, and the people have finally revolted. Don't know who would've been worse to run into, their military, or revolting commoners."

Daniel chuckles uneasily. "I'm glad you dodged that for us. Thank you. A shame it came to that..."

The younger guard replies warmly, "I'm glad we're members of Mornistae. King Regent Rikuto can lower taxes all he wants!"

The guards and Daniel all chuckle. While Daniel hasn't had to worry much about finances himself up to this point, he agrees on the principle that higher taxes rarely leads to a good place. Anytime they CAN be lowered is a win for everyone, generally. Well, except for the corrupt. Daniel and Rikuto don't really have the opportunity to be corrupt, since both of their respective roles were above where they were before in their world.

Daniel asks, "So, how long until Fort Twilight, then, with the detour?"

"Well..." remarks the navigator, who has yet to speak during this particular break. "Any way I figure it, we can't really get there now. Part of the mountain range touches Bromlund territory, and the other side connects to the gulf. If we continue this way, we'd have to find a border crossing and risk getting dragged into their internal affairs. If we try to return south and go around across the gulf, we'd have to get a ferry. And, with Bromlund distracted, piracy is likely to see a rise on the gulf."

The Sergeant leading them rubs his chin thoughtfully. "Such a pain. Do you think we could cross an open part of their border?"

"Off-road? It's possible. But, we'd have to do it entering and leaving, and if we're caught at any point, they could treat us as smugglers, even IF drafting was off the table."

"Kingdoms can draft other nations' soldiers in this world?"

With a nod, the sergeant confirms, "It's not much different than captured enemies, homeless, or poor farmers. We'd be lucky to be given sharpened sticks and cast to the front lines. 'Fight for your freedom or die.' Given that it's a revolution, they'd be more interested in taking our supplies and gear. In any case, if we came across anyone, we'd likely be better off fighting to the death and trying to flee. Odds of survival wouldn't be great either way. Refusing conscription just gives us better odds of going home, rather than remaining conscripted or slaves if they learn who we were in the aftermath."

The guards nod together. Daniel is left with a fair amount to think about for a bit, since he didn't realize, just for being capable of fighting, another military might try to conscript them in times of emergency. It makes sense, and it probably happens more than he realizes on Earth, but it seems like it could be self-defeating. But then, even Daniel knows why Rikuto's strategies to lower taxes worked and raising taxes failed Bromlund. Rikuto enticed more transactions to take place, increasing money in circulation. Bromlund simply tried milking a weary cow past its limits.

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