Chapter 9: A Royal Summons

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Daniel and Wenlianna didn't waste time with the many projects he inadvertently created by mentioning them to her. When one was in the process of running automatically, such as waiting on the diamonds to form, they began alcohol fermentation -both for a cleaning agent and to have Wenlianna try it. Once that was in the waiting stage, they began assembling a water wheel and generator, with plenty of help from those willing on the estate's staff. Because Wenlianna was willing to pay overtime from her own finances, many of them were willing to help. From there, Wenlianna led the construction of a magic crystal conversion device, which can convert elemental magic to pure mana and vice versa. The trickiest part was the final stage; creating a system to take the electrical energy being produced by the generator and use it as the seed element for charging a magic crystal while powering the charging system as well. If this can be done, it could effectively serve to replace the mages in the production of magic crystals. If they can also figure out how to convert to other elements from machine power as well, then production will no longer be limited by the mage's concentration and time being consumed.

It looks like it'll be a bit of a road ahead, but Wenlianna is able to find some research in her books discussing attempts to charge crystals without a mage, and some devices that make it a little easier.

Once the generator is working, and Daniel explains how it works, Wenlianna takes notes and documents what she can.

In the meantime, Daniel does something he had hoped to do for a while upon gaining access to electricity; he builds a variable power supply using homemade components, which allows him to control the voltage better. And with it, he is able to charge his cell phone, which, along with its charger, was in his lap the night he was transported. While he of course won't be able to make calls or any of the many functions his smart phone is capable of, he will be able to pull up the documents and books he has stored on his phone, which will open up even more technical equipment than he has currently. He has a PDF copy of an engineering black book -a cheat sheet of sorts-, as well as a few other such technical books aiding in electrical distribution, electrical calculations, and hydrodynamics, which he occasionally used to troubleshoot the plethora of machines his company expected him to be able to work on. While he could work with a jack-of-all-trades level of skill on most of his company's equipment, he was an expert on none of it. Even now, what he's accomplished is because he knows the bare minimum to accomplish the tasks, and magic makes it that much easier to get started. In his own world, he'd never have the means to have done anything he's done in this world.

The more he thinks about it, though, the more careful he has to be with what he allows himself to make. Like all of the other things for which he knows the bare minimum in most cases, his time in the military as a nuclear power operator taught him just enough to be dangerous. Assuming he could get his hands on the ingredients, he could probably do terrible things to this world. Things he wouldn't even want to do in his world, but would be completely unknown in this one until he unleashed the monster hidden within the atom. It wouldn't be the most effective, but he knows enough to make him a target if it ever got out.

Likewise, it's probably a good idea for him to not tell anyone how to access his phone, or even show them for that matter. If they figure out how to translate the many books he has stored on it, things such as firearms and dangerous chemicals this world isn't ready for could come out of Pandora's box, so to speak.

"Hey! Are you listening?" Daniel flinches with a start when he realizes Wenlianna is talking to him.

"Oh! Sorry, I was just lost in thought. What's up?"

"Such strange dialogue from you... 'What's up?' How did your people come to say that? Nevermind. Anyways, I was saying you've been summoned to the castle." She hands him the scroll, which was brought by one of the Grand Duchess's servants.

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