Chapter 25: The Mechanic Who Became A Dragonslayer

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Daniel didn't lead the happiest or most luxurious life on Earth. He didn't have much to lose, so he's not in much hurry to go back. He was summoned by humans to destroy their enemies. And yet, even with all of what he could give, he was exiled, and he ended up helping some of the very enemies that tried to destroy the fortress he was exiled to.

Daniel is still in no hurry to go back to Earth. There are good people in this world, and they have a certain charm. All of that said, he's thankful he came from Earth with his knowledge of ancient troubles and advancements of technology. Even simple baseline knowledge, like what he's had from years of browsing the internet and going down rabbit-holes of knowledge, proves to be incredibly valuable to a variety of cultures that either rely on magic, or are being manipulated by powerful magic beings.

In this case, it was obvious the moment he was able to see the first and worst patients; it was definitely scurvy, down to the yellowing of their eyes and skin and losing teeth. He shows the healthy how to make juices out of fruits and vegetables, which are much easier to feed to their people. The trickiest part, though, is convincing them that it's necessary. It's not an instant-cure, like the magical potations that the demons and demon allies use. And, the dragons have utilized a full social experiment on the Dattakoriens, convincing them that fruits and vegetables are hazardous to their health -the exact opposite of the truth-. While not immediately apparent, this forced a reliance on the dragons, who then controlled 'the cure', allowing them to manipulate the Dattakoriens.

Unfortunately, the territory belonging to the tigerfolk is not what Daniel expected. It's a lot less forest, and more of a mountainous valley. There are plenty of animals to hunt, most of which feed on the grasses and small shrubs that grow in the valley. But, unless cultivated, no fruit seems to be capable of growing in the valley where the Dattakoriens live. Fortunately, there is abundant water and means to fertilize soil, so he shows them how to grow the various plants that he has seeds or seeding portions of thanks to the rations he captured from his victory.

It only takes two days, however, to prove Daniel's wisdom. All of the sickest of the Dattakoriens have recovered enough strength to eat solid foods and even participate in normal work. While the tiger-like hunters and gatherers aren't ironsmiths by any stretch, they are capable of using simple tools, since they make stone-arrow heads from various hard materials. Daniel shows them how to make some simple utensils to make it easier for those who lost their teeth to tenderize and cut their food. Fortunately, the majority of their teeth -and the first ones lost in most cases- are sharp like a typical feline's, which aren't intended as much for chewing.

After the first two days have passed, Baeka pulls Daniel aside alone after the usual checkups result in countless thanks and offers of gifts for Daniel, which he does his best to insist on gifts that are much less valuable, such as meat or drink that can be spared, simple wooden trinkets, or other cultural artwork; things that have more meaning than value.

Once alone, Baeka begins to form a question, "Daniel... I've been wondering..."

"What is it?"

"What you told Lady Kera'tai and Aoloan... Is it true?"

"Which thing are you asking about?"

She fidgets a little, looking away. "That... That you're attracted... to males..."

"Oh... that..." Daniel chuckles. "Worked pretty well, didn't it? Or, well enough. I don't think Aoloan bought it."

She looks at him, not satisfied by his answer and needing more clarification. He rubs his neck, adding softly, "It wasn't true. But,... Listen, I don't have an easy time trusting people. Women, even less so. It comes from my..." He halts, quickly shifting what he says. "From my hometown. I had a really bad experience in the past, and..." He takes a breath and sighs. "I focus on my purpose now. Things that I can accomplish without the need of anyone else's input, if possible. Or, limited to entirely straightforward assistance, I suppose. The last few months haven't changed my mind. I end up friends with a noblewoman in the Kingdom of Mornistae, and I get banished for HOW I saved the second Princess's life. I worked diligently at the base where... we, uh, 'met', and I was treated rather poorly. I know why, but it didn't instill a trust in any of the women I was getting close to there, either. Kera'tai believes I'm more powerful than I am, and wants access to that. Aoloan sees a weak-willed target, which isn't far from the truth. I'm glad I could help your people, truly. I'm more glad it was something I knew how to help with. But, until I know I can trust someone, I'm not actively looking for an intimacy with anyone. Man or woman."

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