Chapter 7.1: Bonus Chapter: Rikuto and Daniel in the early days

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~Author's Note: Hey Dear Readers! I wrote a bonus chapter in thanks for all of the followers I've gained since I started publishing this story, and all of the comments and bookmarks. I'm very thankful. 

This chapter, as numbered, follows the events of Chapter Seven, before Chapter Eight, and adds a bit more character to Rikuto. So, I hope you'll enjoy!~


Daniel is seated under one of the trees in the castle courtyard after working on improving the plumbing for the water pump. The current setup is leaky and wastes a lot of the machine's effort trying to lift water to the roof of the structure. Rikuto had put in a request after complaints were coming in from the algae growing on the stone walls and puddles sometimes appearing inside the hallways and rooms, which start to mold or damage the furnishings and decor.

It's a fairly beautiful day with a moderately warm temperature, and the work is progressing smoothly. He takes a drink from his water skin, noticing a handful of people approaching.

From what he has seen so far, Daniel knows that Rikuto isn't pompous, even though he is the King Regent of Mornistae, filling the leadership role in order to shortcut many of the official processes so that he can improve the economy of the kingdom by having the authority of the ruler. Greydald and the Queen still have authority, but they often remain hands off and observe, while Rikuto and Heralesse do most of the decision making and paperwork.

And, approaching the Earthling mechanic now is none other than Rikuto, escorted by several guards. It's not an aggressive march, so it's likely that Rikuto was just taking a walk for a break, and he noticed Daniel.

Daniel climbs to a kneel, greeting Rikuto properly lest he find himself in hot water. "Your Majesty."

"I really wish I could tell you to stop that," remarks Rikuto. "It still feels weird."

Daniel chuckles. "Well, if you were alone, your Majesty..."

"Enough... Just call me Rikuto for now. You four, ignore anything Daniel does or says for now."

The guards bow their heads, likely know that Rikuto is just like this, and there's no need for concern, since they're in relative privacy, so long as others are at a distance. "As you wish, King Regent."

Daniel, as dirty as he is from working on the piping and trenches to bury it, works as an adequate repellant for most of the aristocracy. "Thank you. I'll be taking my break here as well."

The guards nod, spreading out to keep watch but give Daniel and Rikuto a little privacy to shoot the breeze.

"I don't hope to cause pressure, but I'm curious; how's the work going?"

"Great," replies the mechanic. "Wenlianna and I made a make-shift soldering torch using a flame crystal and a wind crystal, so sealing the piping has been no issue." Daniel demonstrates the relatively small torch, and how it projects a high flame, which Daniel can adjust the heat and length of using two separate knobs. "I left my gas chromatograph at home, so this works as a great substitute."

"Gas... what?"

Daniel smiles in amusement. "A machine that can determine what a substance, usually gases, are by how they bend light... I think. We had one at my last workplace, but I actually don't know how it works exactly."

"Ah... A joke, then."

"Of course. Humor is the best way to survive anything."

"I think armor and magic barriers give a good effort," retorts Rikuto, and they both snicker warmly.

Daniel adds in answer to the question about the work on the pump and plumbing, "I've been digging the trenches by hand, which is tedious work, but good exercise."

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