Chapter 28: The Mechanic and the Little Girl

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Daniel awakens from his nap in a secured hiding place he set up in one of the nooks of the massive castle he had stumbled across. It seems the little girl he rescued, in an attempt to attack him, lost her strength at the last moment once more and collapsed onto him. He knows this, since he was sitting against the wall of the shell shelter, and the same rusty and dented dagger/tiny sword that the girl was using to fight is now laying next to his leg and her hand.

Daniel ponders for a moment. It's true he's technically in enemy territory. The demon races are likely to easily recognize a human, and humans are generally the face of the eastern kingdoms and empire, meaning they are at war. A lone human wandering around is little more than an enemy and an easy target.

Of course, a little girl with fox-like ears and a bushy black tail would be an easy target for someone like Daniel, it would seem, given how defenseless she is with her weakness. She's been unconscious for a while, and he didn't necessarily want to waste potations on a potentially -and now apparently confirmed- hostile person, his weak heart continues to leave a guilty feeling in him.

Once more, he sighs in relation to the small girl.

Daniel carefully pulls the girl up into a more comfortable position and covers her with the blanket. He then puts his gloves back on and extracts his magic bag, then sorting through for the potation bag. He alternates some simple rations and a healing potation with water, slowly feeding the young girl in her unconscious state so that the healing potation will work, the food will put something on her stomach to offset the alcohol's effects on her tiny body, and the water will help her rehydrate. She doesn't seem to have any obvious blood-loss, so her gravest injuries appear to be internal. Daniel also decides to feed her an antidote, since it'll both prevent her from getting drunk and help flush her own blood's toxic effects from her body, as well as anything else that might be plaguing her from her pitiful state.

Once he allows her to sleep a little more and her stomach to ideally settle, Daniel decides he needs to do something about her pitiful outfit. It doesn't bring him joy, but he has a lot of gear from the invaders that he doesn't need, and if she moves too much as it is now, the parts of her body that should remain her secrets are exposed anyways.

Daniel sets the girl down on the bedding again, and then tucks her in, finding clothes and light armor that should fit her, as well as a much newer blade roughly the same size as the one she had. None of the invaders had shields, since it was the mages' jobs to block any incoming projectiles.

Too bad they can't think faster than sound. He scoffs lightly at his own internal joke. Technically, the bulk of the army was incapacitated by his land mines and being driven to retreat by the dragon and drake falling.

Daniel idly checks his revolver and rifle once more, making sure they're combat ready, and he then extracts the dragon tooth he managed to finally break free of the dragon's head after dropping the whole thing from the top of an extremely tall tree. Naturally, he recollected everything, and with the tooth shards, he worked to rework a couple of each of his bullets to contain the dragon tooth shards. It should be hard enough to penetrate the dragons, and his bullets can act as a sabot for the dragon tooth shards. If the dragon tooth shard can penetrate, and the metal of the rest of the bullet obliterates interior flesh the way the relatively soft metals are supposed to, the impact can be exactly as desired.

Afterwards, he begins cooking a small breakfast. He ensures there's plenty for the girl, since he can store the leftovers in the magic bag, where time will be stopped, and it'll be as hot as the moment he put it in there.

As he's cooking though, he notices the girl stirring. She sits up, looking around. She notices the dagger and clothes. Instantly, she snatches the dagger and whirls to face Daniel, going on defensive instantly. She growls like a feral girl might, trying to intimidate him, but unclear about whether or not she can defeat him while he's conscious.

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