Chapter 19: The Cup Game

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Treia goes off watch, yawning as she makes her way to her room to retrieve her bathing bag. She keeps it just inside her door so that she can go to the bathhouse right away. She hates being dirty more than most other things.

As she's making her way to the bathhouse, she spots Daniel getting water.

One of the east gate watchstanders headed to the baths as well says from nearby, "Ugh... I'd watch yourself, Treia. I heard Daniel tried to get you into trouble with the Commander."

"Evening Barracks Quarterdeck supervisor told my Lieutenant that Daniel was following the Commander around, and your name came up."

"I..." She swallows hard.

Please tell me it was just the device... Was he able to fix it? Wait! That's it!
She approaches him haughtily. She has to choose her words carefully, but she can maintain the image while fishing for information. "You! Weed. Don't you have anything more important to be doing right now?"

Daniel turns and his gaze cools. He just went into his 'shut up and take it' expression that he always wears. He replies, "I report directly to the Commander, Sergeant. Please excuse me."

"I don't think I will! That's pretty presumptuous of you, thinking you're important enough to be close to the Commander! You should be ashamed of yourself for lying like that. If you're just going to waste time, why do you even stay here?"

Please just say you worked on it... Please?

He surprises her when he pulls out a folded up piece of paper. He unfolds it and hands it to her. She reads it briefly, and her jaw drops.

"{If anyone confronts you, show them this letter. Effective immediately, Daniel is cabin boy to Commander Leiwelles, direct report. Signed, Commander Leiwelles, Commanding Officer, Fort Peony.}"

Treia tosses the letter back, and he manages to catch it. She crosses her arms, saying bitterly, "Fine. But, what's so great that you did today that you can think you're better than dirt, Weed? Huh?"

Daniel replies, "Nothing, I suppose. I'm taking my leave."

She watches, a little disappointed, as he walks away.

I guess... that's a no, huh? I hate this! Why did I have to be the one to do this? This is awful. He's going to break it at this rate! I'm sorry...

She heads to the bathhouse. She doesn't pay attention when the others try to express solidarity for Treia and disgust for Daniel. Her mind is on her family recording. Will she ever hear her youngest brother's voice again? Will she be able to find comfort in her siblings reassuring her and telling her they love her?

Will Daniel even try to fix it?

She winces at this last notion. She's treated him poorly since the day he arrived, and the Commander ordered her to continue to do so. It would be more surprising if he doesn't break it if he figures out it's hers, let alone repair it.

As she reaches her room to return her bath bag and toss her dirty clothes into her hamper, she takes a seat against her door once more, sighing.

What would my siblings think of my behavior? Why did I agree to do that?

She opens her eyes and stares ahead blankly. The image of her three younger siblings stares at her. Her eyes water, and she looks away.

Now I'm seeing things? Of course they'd hate me. They'd be disgusted. I'm supposed to be their cool, kind, mature...

She snaps her eyes to her tea table. The image of her siblings is floating there, staring back at her with big, happy grins as they crowd into the hologram.

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